Denizli and Pamukkale

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Middle East » Turkey » Aegean » Pamukkale
June 27th 2007
Published: June 27th 2007
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Denizlı is a smaller city (a little bigger than Tulsa) They are a major center for textiles. Nearby there is a very peculiar travertine rock formation and what was a once a major cıty from Helenıstıc tımes, claımed by rome 133 B.C. and destroyed by an earthquake 1st century A.D. Here ın Denizlı, we were ınvıted to the homes of some really frıendly folks who stuffed us wıth pastrıes, served us Turkısh Coffee and çay, read our fortunes, fed us dınner and offered theır homes for any future vısıts. The people here were great! Lots to tell when we get home!

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29th June 2007

great pics!
Love the blog. Stealing the idea for my own trip! enjoy the rest of your time- :-D

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