Takayama - Day 12

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May 29th 2007
Published: May 29th 2007
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Hot WaterHot WaterHot Water

Eggs cooking in the hot spring waters of Shin-Hotaka
After a nice restful night, we were up early for our breakfast ・Japanese style. We have been asked what the Japanese eat fro breakfast, well here is what was on our table and unfortunately we didn't eat all of this, because if we had we would have been there half the morning!

One skewered fish - cooked at least, but still with head, eye and tail on! We each had a burner, on which was an up-turned leaf with pieces of raw meat, peppers and onions. When the burner was lit, the leaf secreted oil to become a natural frying pan!

Also, there was a large pot of rice, in which to place the fried meat & vegetables as well into which to whisk the raw egg on our plate. Finally, there was also a selection of pickled vegetables, pieces of raw tofu and a bowl of Miso soup. As it was 7:30am, neither of us really could stomach such a cornucopia of gastronomic adventures in one go and so we tried various bits and gave our apologies for the rest.

We then caught a bus to Shin-Hokata, even higher in the Japanese Alps, where a 3.2km
Shin-Hotaka from the airShin-Hotaka from the airShin-Hotaka from the air

Picture taken from the cable car going up the mountain
cable car takes you up into the mountains where the snow remains all the year round. The trip was spectacular, but not as fantastic as the views we got. Breathtaking is not the word, it really was one of the most amazing views I have ever experienced and no photograph can ever do justice to the peaceful atmosphere, especially as there weren't massive crowds there to obscure the view or the occasion.

After a walk around in the snow - a very weird experience at the end of May - we made our way back down and to Nakao Kogen-guchi, a tiny place of three houses. Here, there is a hot spring mineral pool or 'onsen'. Despite the fact that it is just below a footbridge, it is like all such pools, bathers are expected to strip off completely and bathe naked. To his credit, Anthony put aside his concerns (and his British reserve!) and joined me in stripping off and climbing in. The location was stunning in the foothills of the mountains, with the cable car we had been on still visible and the mountain river crashing over the rocks to the side of the pool. We enjoyed
You could see for miles!You could see for miles!You could see for miles!

One of the high peaks in the more southern Alps!
half an hour stretched out enjoying the warmth of the volcanic heated pool and the minerals no doubt did us good too!

From that bath we jumped back onto a bus to Shin Hirayu, where another roasting hot onsen awaited. So it was kit off again, but this was more formal, so it required the full head to toe scrubbing before being allowed to enter the waters of the bath. One of the pools was bubbling away, but it was not through any water jets, it was bubbling from the heat.

The procedure is to cleanse yourself head to foot, climb into the hot waters, allowing yourself to slowly simmer and then just before you池e done and after sweating all the rest of the impurities out, you get back out and scrub from head to foot again, repeating the process as often as either you like or until you feel totally boiled. The onsen at Shin Hirayu also included an outside pool overlooking the mountains. I can tell you the mix of mountain area on your skin, together with hot water is sensational and you just get used to walking around in your skin, you just get the
Mount Kasaga-takeMount Kasaga-takeMount Kasaga-take

Taken from the vantage point on Mount Nishi-hotaka-take
point when you don't care less!

We came back to Takayama and headed out for dinner. We managed to find the 'Holy Grail' - an Italian restaurant in the centre of town - unfortunately it was closed, so no opportunity for religious or Monty Python jokes (unfortunately). So we settled for the 'Black Sea Cafe', a dimly lit Japanese dining club, which had everything you'd expect, with the exception of karaoke! I even managed to enjoy a bottle of Leffe, even if it was at an inflated import price -still you've got to enjoy what you enjoy when on holiday!

Tomorrow, we head for Hakone and (hopefully) get a close look at Mount Fuji, however we're in the hands of the Gods on that one; if the weather is like it was this morning then we'lll be in luck. However, if it's like the afternoon, then we'll be disappointed. Here's hoping for the former!

Additional photos below
Photos: 14, Displayed: 14


Mount Sugoroku-dakeMount Sugoroku-dake
Mount Sugoroku-dake

Taken from the vantage point on Mount Nishi-hotaka-take
Mount Yariga-takeMount Yariga-take
Mount Yariga-take

Taken from the vantage point on Mount Nishi-hotaka-take
Somebody get the idiot out of the way!Somebody get the idiot out of the way!
Somebody get the idiot out of the way!

Alistair on Mount Nishi-hotaka-take with Kasaga-take in the background
The rocky way up to Mount Minami-dakeThe rocky way up to Mount Minami-dake
The rocky way up to Mount Minami-dake

Taken from the vantage point on Mount Nishi-hotaka-take
Alistair in the snow in May!Alistair in the snow in May!
Alistair in the snow in May!

On Mount Nishi-hotaka-take
Our mode of transport!Our mode of transport!
Our mode of transport!

The Shin-Hotaka Ropeway
Mount Kasaga-takeMount Kasaga-take
Mount Kasaga-take

Taken from the cable car on the way back down
The picture doesn't tell the real story!The picture doesn't tell the real story!
The picture doesn't tell the real story!

The drop from that point to the station below was near vertical!
The bathing pool at Nakao Kogen-kuchiThe bathing pool at Nakao Kogen-kuchi
The bathing pool at Nakao Kogen-kuchi

A pleasant bathe awaits - if you're prepared to get your kit off!
Nakao Kogen-kuchiNakao Kogen-kuchi
Nakao Kogen-kuchi

This is the river at the side of the 'onsen'

2nd June 2007

Day 12
looks really beautiful and impressive, snowy and yet warm enough not to need coats. The water looked really clear and icy!!

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