on tha road again!!

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Europe » Spain » Valencian Community » Valencia
August 11th 2005
Published: August 11th 2005
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hey ...
well some seem to be confused!!.. weleft agnes(the van) in seville and now sheis on fire ...not literally ....we went by bus frerry and train down to morocco and now we are with the van across spain to valencia andf then up to barcelona... left my camera in the vanm again!!!... hehe... one day!!... we still areokfor money and are hoping to streach our fundsuntillbeerfest... space bar doesnt work..grr.. valencia is beautifull..
have to go
love you all


12th August 2005

10 days to go!
hey poo! eating lots of oranges in VaLeNcIa? Is Agnes actually yours, or are you renting/borrowing/stealing it? PUT SOME PHOTOS UP!! :) I've got lots - go look at them :) love yooou! charlie xxx
12th August 2005

Fun Fun!!
hey dude! sounds fantastic! it's pouring here and it will be all weekend so you now have the duty of enjoying enough sun to make up for what your friends over here are missing out on. love you lots x x x
12th August 2005

news from turkey
hi alaya! cool trip you're doing here in good old europe. i'm still here in turkey to protect the seaturtles (nice baby turtles!!!) but i'm returning to austria on the 29th of august. can't wait to see you! cheers, lisa
12th August 2005

you guys r really getting around. prices will go up once youre over the french border. im glad agnes has recovered. luv to all xxx
12th August 2005

hey =)
Hellooooooo how are you all going?? sounds like your having a fantastic time!!! well its awful weather here especially on jodies wedding its raining, and foggy YUK!! Love you and miss you both heaps love meegy x00x00

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