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May 17th 2007
Published: May 17th 2007
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Hi Everyone! This is pretty much just a test to see if my Travel Blog sends you an email when I add a new entry.... so let me know if it works.

Things I'm looking forward to in the UK:

- Krispy Kremes
- YumYums (another delicious donut/croissant/pastry)
- Cheap Cranberry Juice (it's like a pound for 2L!)
- EastEnders (like Neighbours but better!)
- Grazia Magazine - the best weekly mag ever...
- GMTV (like Sunrise but HEAPS better)
- Seeing my friend Nick Berry (For some reason I always say his full name)
- MY MOM GETTING MARRIED (and dancing with English Policemen at the reception - watch out bobbies!
- ITALY (I have NO idea how to speak Italian - if anyone knows good Italian phrases please let me know with the ACCURATE translantion - I don't want to ask for dog food when I'm trying to buy a train ticket)

Well wish me luck - hopefully I'll get to the UK without ending up in a wheelchair - it has happened before you know....



18th May 2007

You forgot a couple of things...
Seeing your little sister for the first time since January! And Double Deckers and Minstrels!

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