Bali - scuba devin and other stuff

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May 14th 2007
Published: May 14th 2007
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Bali - scuba devin

Westin hotel in Nusa Dua - Bali

Bali - scuba devin This is Phil's first travel update. After spending 3 days in Jakatra working I arrived Saturday afternoon. The work portion of Indonesia went very well and was extremely rewarding. As a consultant, it's always a good sign when you are invited back. It looks like I'll be back to Malaysia and Indonesia within the next 12 months, which I'm very happy about.

As usual, it took almost a full week for me to work through the jet lag and I'm now feeling fully recalibrated and well rested.

It was wonderful to arrive in Bali and see Devin and Jan. I'm so happy we can experience this adventure together.

Typical words used to describe Bali are tropical, tranquil, beautiful and exotic. All would be true. We have a somewhat tilted view of the island at the moment, staying at this amazing Westin hotel with every available luxury one could imagine. Over the next week we plan to be mixing more into the typical day to day Balinese life and culture.

The update on Jan's bag is that sadly, there is no news. The bag status is "still 'pending", which means they continue to have not a clue where it is ...we are making the best of this unfortunate situation.

Ask Devin if he likes it in Bali ---- he replies: "No ..... i LOVE it!!!" The humid tropical air is fragrant with frangipani, hibiscus, and the ocean. The days are sunny and hot. The hotel pool is paradise for a 7 year old --- waterslide, swim up beach bar to order your fresh coconut juice (right from the coconut!!), scuba lessons ("scuba diving is the best mom!!!", " The beach is awesome -- wide and clean, with sand that resembles "quinua" (for those of you who don't know what quinua is -- eat more health food!!" - perfect for sandcastles and beach soccer.

Today is 'sports day' - beginning with surfing at 10am. As our beach is not a surfing beach we need to travel 20 minutes to Kuta - a popular tourist beach and surfing spot. Stay tuned for your surfing update in the next few days.

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15th May 2007

Jacques Cousteau???
Is that a young Jacques Cousteau I see before my eyes. SCUBA Devin..... Hey you know what SCUBA stands for? Jacques Cousteau invented this underwarter breathing apparatus. Enjoy your time with your mom and dad. Big hug Dev to you! Paddy
15th May 2007

Great to here from you! Keep the news and photos coming!
15th May 2007

Thanks for the Update!!!
What a great idea to make a travel blog Devin, Jan and Phil! Your trip sounds like going to paradise, we're green with envy. Sorry to hear about your luggage Jan, bummer. It happens but usually to "other people". Good thing you travelled to somewhere hot where all you really need is a bikini. Thank you for keeping us so up to date. This is better than postcards. Safe travels, love, Nialls, Trent, Pat and Shelagh
30th May 2007

Hey guys, I'm at school right now and I just found the blog! Hope your having a good time :)

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