Do you know this girl?

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May 10th 2007
Published: May 10th 2007
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So for the past three months, Whitney (Rosenberg, best friend since age six) has had a really cool editing internship at a magazing here in Beijing called City Weekend. She has been finding newsworthy things to report, reviewing movies, restaurants and books, and even writing feature stories. Check out the story below and you just might see someone you know:


10th May 2007

i know that girl
you rock, love the pictures and notes on your travles. sounds like you are having fun. be well s and a
10th May 2007

Famous Friends
Wow, a published friend and a witty friend with her picture in the paper! Good for you for not paying that bastard's higher fare. Keep sharing articles and news :) Love, Mare
15th July 2007

I know this girl!
Kudos for being who you are. You are still the coolest girl I know. :-) Dee

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