Middle Eastern Cuisine

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May 6th 2007
Published: August 10th 2007
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Not the best picture, but everything was quite spread out and difficult to capture.
Yesterday we had quite a lazy morning, and watched some Kentucky Derby on the TV (it really isn’t as good as the Grand National).

Then we headed out to a nearby town called Scottsdale, which has the biggest percentage of millionaire inhabitants of anywhere in America. You can tell that just by looking at the cars. We walked around the town for a while, which was different from any I’d visited before. It has many shops full of Native American jewellery and different kinds of art and sculpture. I had to resist looking too closely as those things are not very practical for this trip. If I was to buy anything cowboy-related this would’ve been a good place. I have never seen so many cowboy boots in my life. Resisted though, but it was interesting to look around.

Then we went to a mall which was also very expensive. Though I cannot believe how cheap certain things are compared to in England. The Sony shop was an eye opener to just how ripped-off we are (pounds into dollars was certainly true. I don’t know how they get away with it).

For dinner we went to a Middle Eastern restaurant. I have never experienced that culture before, and even though it wasn’t as authentic as being there I really did gain a proper appreciation. Aaron’s cousin Mark speaks Arabic and really helped me feel more at home with the culture. The falafel was the best I’ve ever tasted, and the deserts were unusual to be but definitely delectable. We saw a belly dancing show, which I loved. It’s so spontaneous yet precise and the costumes are beautiful.

We’re still in the process of planning ahead and San Francisco, Vegas the the Grand Canyon are now all under consideration.


6th May 2007

Hello you both, sounds like you're having an amazing time! I'm incredibly jealous (have I said that before?!) Tomorrow is a bank holiday here so no work! Woo! But the weather has taken a turn for the worse - boo! Saw Michelle and Holly today, btw - they're both doing good. Enjoy the rest of your time in AZ and don't walk into any cacti (my mum did once, and five years later still had prickles coming out of her leg!) Your other possible destinations sound good - all three of them! Do them all! Lots of love! xxx
8th May 2007

Crossing to the dark side of blogs
I would just like to point out to you all the 'Starbucks' in the Old Town Scottsdale picture. Authentic America!
10th May 2007

Middle Eastern cuisine? You sound like one of my press releases young lady!! So glad you are having a fab time, keep it up my lovely! Hello to Lowry too. Elwood xxxxx

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