Philippines WOW

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May 1st 2007
Published: May 1st 2007
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It has been quick and amazing month....
I cant go into everything, because firstly I have discovered that the stories of us laying on a beach take up about one sentence, and people back home dont want to here it, so I will share some quick cool things first.
On the Island of Cebu we celebrated April's Bday which was cool the lady at the resort we were at, strung up a sign and prepared a cake for her while we went for a walk, and when we came back the place had all the people that worked there and their kids, which made for a great little party. After that we headed out to the bar scene for eats and wasnt my Bday but I treated myself to a 6lbs tuna, fresh from the water, just cleaned and stuffed then grilled and served, one of the best meals I have ever had, big enough for 3 people, but I finished it alone, it was out of this world, only the skeleton of a 6 llbs tuna left after that.......soon after eating we stopped at this one little bar type place where we sat and watched Bon Jovi, U2, and Michael Jackson concerts on TV, while chatting up lady boys....the evening ended with the girls going home early and me and Sean stayed out for a drink or two more which led to a scene where we got molested by about 6 ladyboys, them trying to kiss our necks ands biting our nipples, hilarious until this one "guy" kept asking us if we wanted a massage, and he was 6 foot 3 and about 250lbs, this seemed over the top creepy and we had to physically run down the road, while the gang chased after us...strange things happen in the midnight sun.

we moved on to a dive place looking for thresher sharks....short story, I went down at 5:30am, sat under water for 45 minutes, and nothing, one NEMO fish no Threshers,,, not cool.and no sleep at all, we were literally right beside a roosters den that night, there were 21 roosters, all trained for cock fighting, and throughout the night made the same sound as a 21 piece tone deaf orchestra with broken instruments, this added with no power and it being 36 degrees,equals no sleep.

half way through the month we headed to Palawan where we spent two weeks. the highlights here were when we saw one of the only under ground rivers in the world, we fished like locals with lines and spools, ate like kings and Queens, and booked this 30 hour boat ride to head back to manila....30 hours you might say, geez that seems long, welll, we wouldnt know, for we got on the boat and it was a scene out of the movie roots, or an old refugee ship carrying illegal immigrants to a new was hot and sweaty and the roof didnt allow you to fully stand up, the smell of fish being loaded on it and the cots you were to sleep on were worse then military issued we got on, to the amazment of the locals, and after about 5 minutes of a "group" meeting, we choose to get off and fly to next day.....
the most rewarding thing we came across was in puerta princessa where we spent some time with night they came around in their little uniforms and were singing to raise money, so that night we sat there and made a donation to listen to them sing, while a little 2 year old came and I held her for about 20 minutes during the songs, it was very sweet, and after we decided to take all 18 of them out for ice cream, they were so polite and loved the experience.....the next day we went to the orphanage and took them 10 kilos of rice and biscuits, and saw where they loved and found out more about the kids, really really interesting and touching...... ending the palawan part we had not slept in 2 weeks, because the island doesnt had 24 hour power, so the longest we got it was 3pm-3am, and at 36 degree heat, it made for some sweaty unbearable sleepless nights!!!

OK now the good bad and ugly.... we boarded a bus from manila after spending the day in and aircon mall...the bus left 2 hours late, and after 4 hours it broke down and at that time we found out we had only gone 104km's due to our options stay and wait for the the replacement bus 5-6 hours, our go it on our own......we went it on our own, that is what travellers do...good idea??? nahh. we got as far as a place called Lucena, the worst possible spot, right in the middle of where we were going and where we had we sat and we sat and sat somemore at this bus terminal that doesnt get tourists often, we were like Tom Hanks in the Terminal the whole place was trying to help us but every bus was full, so we hung there from 5pm-1am, when the fireworks started....this lady was yelling at us, seemingly helping us and saying we should get a we were following her this terminal manager came over and said stay away from this woman, and starting pushing her....she starts yelling " did you give me money??" at us and we were like no we didnt give her anything....anyways the manager was motioning like he was going to hit her, and calling the cops....after this went on, we were wide awake and wondering what was going to transpire from here, this is when a jeepney pulls up and the manager says this guy will take you to a hotel 500 meters from here......then this shady looking guy gets in the jeepney also and Sean and I start to think what the F is going on, Sean grabs for his Knife at this point to be ready for what might come next...Luckily it didnt come to that but we got dropped off at this Brothel equppied with mirrored ceilings and the whole nine yards, rented by 3 hour installments.....another sleepless night and we got on the move down to Donsol........
We Made it to DOnsol and the next morning got up and went Whale Shark get in a boat and you cruise around looking for these massive massive beasts. the spotter saw the first one and says ok get in, 7 of us jump in the water with fins and snorkels and masks and what do we see....the biggest widest white mouth coming straight for us, it was the mouth of a 10 meter ( yes 30 foot) whale shark....HOLY SHIT!!!! it came and went quickly and we all got out thinking did that really happen, that was a was the next one where we got out and these things are big did I mention that, well I left out the visibility is less than 5 meters, so you dont see them until they are right in front of you, BOOM, 30 feet coming at you....this next one we got to swim beside for about 3 minutes trying to keep up with these things was hard, but unreal...the best thing to ever see under water......words cant describe what we all thought, it was amazing swimming beside the largest fish in the world, dwarfing us...gorgeous total we saw 6 whale sharks absolutely worth ever hardship it took to get there, I actually touched the tailfin we were that close all the time, swimming right on top of these things..AMAZING.......

We are on the last leg of the Philippines before we head to Thailand for our last month. Nothing more I can say , Whale Sharks OUTSTANDING!!!!! Pictures and video footage to come....We say goodbye to our Irish friends today, after 3months together, not going to be easy, next to Canadians , Irish are the best people in the World! One more month and we are home, off to Singapore tomorrow and then Thailand the next day......


2nd May 2007

That sounds amazing hearing your stories. Only a month to go! Then you'll have to come see us in Calgary. Have a good last month in to you soon. jodyxxx
4th May 2007

That's pretty cool guys! I give you credit, it's an experience of a lifetime. Can't wait for you to get home, and you realize that it is B-B-Q and patio season!!! Best time to come back! Love Valene

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