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April 14th 2007
Published: April 14th 2007
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Hello my wonderful family and friends! Sorry that I have not been blogging but the tour I was on for the last two weeks was nonstop moving and running around from place to place. I would love to tell you about every city but we visited about two a day and spent two days in rome and one in florence. By the time I got back to Venice I was pooped and headed to Lido to lay on the beach for the day (thanks Lisa for the advise).
So how was the tour, besides exhausting? Well letàs start with the people. I have decided the people on your trip can make or break it. Luckily for this first tour I had some wonderfull people that made me laugh and kept me entertained day and night. I suggest playing I never with a group of strangers because you will be shocked by the questions they ask and even more shocked and some of the answers they give.
Now onto the places. My favorite were San Marino (you feel like you are on top of the world and I had the best lasagna there), Sorrento and Capri (Mary, Kelly and I went to the Blue Grotto in Capri and I could have stayed in there all day and Sorrento had awesome pizza), Rome (because it is Rome!), Tivoli (we went to the water gardens and they were amazing expecially since it was all natural water flow, no pumps) and Florence (I think I could live there). Thatàs my short list but ever place we went was amazing. The people on my tour laughed at me because every place we went to I had a list of things I needed to see. I guess after 2 1/2 years of architectural history I felt a need to see everything I had learned about. I did and it just about killed me!! I was so tired leaving Rome that I donàt even remember the little town we went to the next day and knocked myself out on the bus ride to Florence. If you are going to Rome or Florence please make sure to have more time to run around!!
Now I am back in Venice and head to Lake Como tomorrow- if anyone wants to join me I am staying at the Hotel Bellagio and I am going to see exactly how lazy and relaxed I can be! It shouldnàt be hard after that last two weeks I have had and I will need the rest to start my next tour. I miss everyone and hope that everything is going well back home. Sorry I canàt write more but I have to run catch up with my tour group. Miss you, Love you, S


16th April 2007

Glad you are having fun!
Hey Stacey: Glad you made it to Lido to unwind by the beach. I just really liked the serenity of that town...it was a nice break from the larger cities. Did you see that gorgeous hotel there, the Excelsior i think it was called? Italy is amazing, there isn't a bad place there to see i don't think! You are really going to enjoy Lake Como...that was our first stop. I wish I could join you! Are you going to make it to Chinqeterra (sp?)...if so, make sure to stop at the 5th town for Pesto Lasagna...Pesto originated there. My family and I walked all 5 towns...what a workout, but gorgeous! I miss you lots. Be safe, have fun...cherish every moment! Drink some red wine for me! love ya, Lisa

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