End of Summer - March 2007

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April 1st 2007
Published: April 1st 2007
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March 31, 2007 - Last Message from Canyon Vista RV Resort, Gold Canyon, Arizona.

Well the day has finally come to depart from our “winter home” and start our nearly 3,000 mile trip back to Ontario. We have spent the week getting everything ship shape, lots of things to put away for traveling etc. We’ve also spent the week saying good-bye, farewell dinners and happy hours. A large one was held by the resort Wed. night with free beer, margaritas and snacks. It’s amazing how good friends are formed in such a short time. We all become “family” very quickly! Many fun nights have been spent with our little group on 4th St. around the fire pit, usually with lots of digs, Canadians versus Americans but all in jest of course! That said we have paid our deposit for the same spot next winter and although we are anxious to see everyone at home now, we will probably be looking forward to returning in Nov.

Doug is now the proud owner of a remote controlled helicopter and although it is a difficult task to learn he is mastering it fairly well. He and our friend Bob next door fly on wind free evenings while Pam and I enjoy an adult beverage, then when the batteries are done for the night we have to celebrate how well they’ve done! Boost the ego a bit! What great neighbours they have been!

A Canada Day was held early in March and well attended by about 60-80 people; great food, all pot luck. We won the prize for being the farthest from home and our friends from Swift Current Sask. for the closest. There was also a golf banquet for Doug’s Tues. league, steak barbecue with all the trimmings and great prizes.

We were away for two days to take the rail trip through the Verde Canyon with our friends Dave and Camille. It’s a 4 hour trip from Clarksdale to Perkinsville Ranch The trip follows the Verde River through the red cliffs of the canyon, the ever present desert flora, past old Indian ruins, over old fashioned trestles and through a 680 ft. man made tunnel. The railroad was originally built for use by the copper ore mines. Sure was a beautiful trip.

St. Patricks Day was celebrated in style A social hour of green beer, then a delicious corned beef and cabbage dinner and followed by the best dance yet, the band was super. A couple from Scotland joined our table, they spend 6 months here every year and are curlers. They go to a spiel in Illinois every Feb. and before the dance was over we’d signed up to go with them next year!!

Another great idea decided at the dance was to go off roading the next day with the jeep and a group of people with jeeps. What was supposed to be 6 hrs. turned into 9 and was quite an adventure through a box canyon and some very rugged terrain. Doug was so happy to have had this experience, I on the other hand was so happy that I decided not to go!
This past Sunday we went to the Safeway LPGA tournament held about an hour from us, a first for me to see a professional golf tournament. We sat mostly at the 9th hole and saw most of the teams come through. A beautiful course with Superstition mountain in the background.

So we are on the road again and heading south to Tuscon and then east to Las Cruces New Mexico for the first stop. From there we will head north on hwy 25 to hwy 40 and stay east of Albuquerque for 2 nights so we can take a side trip to Santa Fe. After that we will follow the weather and make decisions as we go. We will be in touch in a week or so.

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


8th April 2007

Missing You !
Hi You Two, Happy Easrer! Sorry you had to eat a left over Christmas Santa. Glad to hear your travels are going well. Bet you weren't up the highway 60Kms and we where missing you . We start the next leg of our adventure on the 15th, will keep ypu posted. Take care Darlene and Barry

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