The start of the Italy tour

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April 1st 2007
Published: April 1st 2007
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I am about to go check into my hotel in Venice to start my Italian Masterpiece tour. I was looking at the itinerary and it looks like a lot of places in only 15 days so I guess I will not be sleeping in anymore! Last night I got into Venice around 6 and walk down my favorite streets to the Rialto bridge. I was a little sad after eating by myself *not fun* but then I got ot the bridge and thought what a beautiful night it was and I was on top of the Rialto Bridge so stop being lonely!
I figured the best place to be around a ton of people was S. Marco Square so I headed there to people watch and I found out some things about myself...

I don't like listening to people talk in Engligh while I am in Italy. I sat down to listen to a guitar player and these two young girls sat down next to me. Every other word was like this, like that and I had to get up and move away. If it had only been in another language it would have been fine, but I couldn't take it. I wonder if the Europeans feel the same way. Maybe we should notice if people move away when we sit near them!!

I have a problem walking by chocolate shops and not stopping in. There seems to be the same problem with red wine!

Eating at a palce by yourself is only fun if there are interesting people to watch. Normal dinners here last two hours and after about 30 minutes I wanted to get done eating at this dinky diner that seemed charming, but was really boring. I am sure with company it would have been different, but from now on I will stick to pub food.

I love Europe and all the little things that are different *except the keyboards, I do not like the keyboards*! In Brussels people back up in cars like it is completely normal and not dangerous at all. I am not talking a couple feet, I am saying an entire street. In Brugge everyone spoke English and if you didn't they would ask what country you are from and if you said United States they would look at you like you were crazy for trying to speak French. No problem here because my French is horrible!!

Europeans have an interesting outlook on Americans. On the train from Brugge to Brussels I was talking to a guy from the UK and we were talking about why more Americans don*t visit Europe. When he said I didn't look like I was from Ohio... he expected a cowboy hat, levi jeans and boots. Ummmm, then he asked how far it was from Dallas to Cincinnati.

In the 2 weeks I have been here I have had a great time and today I updated the wedding website and noticed that in 61 days until Brett and I will be getting married. I can't wait to have him here and I can't wait for our wedding day! It is going to be wonderful and I want to thank everyone that is coming out for our special day and if you are not able to come we know that you wish you could be there for it, but we will all celebrate in Cincinnati when we return!!

Wish me good luck and pray that I can survive 15 days of non stop tourist action. Oh, and I am so happy that everyone has liked my new travel hair style and some people asked if it is short or long now. Well... you see it not my real hair! Sorry to disappoint you, but I have three wigs that I have been wearing so that I don't have to get ready in the morning *damn my vanity*. I have also found that wearing them is also very warm and has helped keep my head from freezing in these chilly temperatures. So my secret is out!!My roomies at the hostel found the wigs very exciting and they named them for me
1. short with fliped ends and highlights is punk rock girl
2. short with curls is Wig.o.licous
3. long with highlights is Barbie

Today I have 1 on and it is the most comfy! Stop laughing.. and Brett stop shaking your head!!

I miss you all and love you a ton... Caio for now, Stacey


2nd April 2007

Wigs. I so new it.

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