Esperance to Port Augusta

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March 29th 2007
Published: March 29th 2007
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On leaving esperance we travelled north up to norseman and then onto kalgoorlie. kalgoorlie is famous for one thing GOLD! The huge superpit is testament to mans desire for gold and the extent we want it. 1.5KM wide and 300M deep with convoys of enormous trucks taking the raw material up to be processed. The rest of kalgoorlie was a pleasant surprise its a thriving town in the middle of the desert. Its also one of the only places in Oz where you find legal brothels its just allowed there for some reason its part of the history and culture of the city. We then returned to norseman and tried our hands at fossicking for pretty stones - no value but they looked nice. Apart from the annoying march flies biting and buzzing it was great fun.
The next stage of our journey took us across the nallabor plains - its a fascinating road trip some amazing sights although a bit monotonous. We drove for three days non-stop to reach port augusta. The greatest sight was the coastline of the great australian blight. sheer cliffs rising above the crashing waves - just spectacular.
The wildlife was different we saw huge wedge tailed eagles, kangaroos, parrots and a buzz load of insects. Port augusta is a pleasant enough town a place to recharge the batteries after our long haul drive.


30th March 2007

Having Fun???
Hey you 2, hope you are both having a good and safe trip. I thought I would plant this seed in your heads' right now. Does one of you have any requests for when you arrive in Brisbane. Is there a place you want to go or something you want to see. By the way you play golf? Have a great trip and keep me posted. Brent

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