lots of reasons to celebrate

Published: March 28th 2007
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newest cutienewest cutienewest cutie

laura & thiarles (sounds like charles)this is the newest member of house 5, the family we posted previously
good morning, afternoon or evening, whichever the case may be

things here are going really well. its SMOKING HOT.... and the humidity is incredibly high. I was mentioning to another team member this morning that God is likely sick of my prayers everymorning....
please send a breeze, please protect me from cockroaches.... she assured me that he isnt.

the work at the new house is moving along well, they are doing the best they can in this heat. at lunch time we walk to a restarant about a kilometer away or so, its not too far, but its a huge hill and it really drains the men that have been working so hard in the morning.
herman said this morning though, he wants to be use the mission car and haul 4 at a time for lunch. it will give them a chance to eat and rest, and not be so drained afterwards.

last nite we went to 6 of the homes to meet with the families and pray with them and hand out some teddy bears that the lethbridge team brought for the young kids. we love that part of the trip, its so awesome
laundry dutylaundry dutylaundry duty

this is the shot of the clothes line we use right outside the tech centre
to spend time in the homes and get a feel for how the house runs. each family is so different. but 2 things were the same at each house.... how much they love the Lord and how much the kids loved the teddy bears.

we found out that after out distribution of clothing on sunday to the 2 areas in town that were in need, ended up bringing 6 new people to church. what a great outreach that was. Praise the Lord!

the death toll contines to rise, the sprays we brought along are very effective, and its AWESOME!!! If you count the baby ones that I am not afraid of that get squished as soon as I see them we must be sitting over 150 dead and counting.
I´ve said it before and I will say it again and again..... the only good cockroach is a dead one!!!!!!!

The team has challenged 2 houses to a water fight, we´ve handed out 50 water ballons to them and intend to let them think we are using some as well, when infact we are going to have buckets full of water that we will get them with from
retaining wallretaining wallretaining wall

this is the edge of the retaining wall that was constructed last year, they are adding on another 70 feet
the kitchen window up above
.... tee hee.

On friday everyones going to go north to the beach at Torres, they´ve found a hotel that looks onto the beach for 60 dollars a nite, including breakfast. cant beat that. we will have 2 nites there to relax, check out the sites and spend some time with our new friends.... I think I´ll throw a can of killing spray in my bag just incase

please keep in touch. its awesome when we have postings to read.
thank you also so very much for all your prayers.
love tomate & cebola

Additional photos below
Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


new housenew house
new house

here is a photo of the newest house one year later, and next week after a little more work on the outside is done we will post another
men at workmen at work
men at work

"I´m pretty sure this is a cement mixer"
2 more cuties2 more cuties
2 more cuties

hanging out with a couple of the kids one afternoon

28th March 2007

Vacation within a vacation - LOL
Hey you two, what is this with taking a vacation - you were sent there to help out not relax in some hotel and bask in the glory of the beautiful weather and surroundings....jeepers if I knew it was that much fun I would have come too, and NOT suffer this snow filled forcast we have here in good ole Whitecourt! Actually I am glad you two are having a blast - including blasts from those cans that kill the bugs! Keep up the good blogging and we shall keep up with reading about our two great friends who we all miss so very very much.....now I have to go wipe the tears and get back to work....yep some of us do hard work here in our cushy offices! LOL

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