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March 21st 2007
Published: March 21st 2007
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Patong BeachPatong BeachPatong Beach

Not much to add really.

John and Claire Wood
Phuket, the international world famous beach resort of Thailand.

We heeded the Lonely Planets advice and opted to stay in Phuket town to beat the crowds and keep costs down from staying at the beach. So we checked into a really smart hostel, called Phuket Backpackers. Phuket Town is good in the sence that its a proper Thai town and doesn't feel completely false like Ao Nang, its pretty big too with lots of cheap food spots etc. Public transport radiates out from the town to all the beaches and is really cheap, for once maybe the Lonely Planet may have got it right.

Our first day we headed out to Patong Beach, Phukets flagship package holiday destination. Patong beach has something for everyone. . . . . .

Certainly you have all heard about the once in a lifetime travel experiences of swimming with Sharks, Dolphins or Manta Rays, at Patong beach you get the unique oppotunity to swim with plastic bags. The bags are incredibly tame and within seconds of entering the water they will wrap around your shins. The awful water clarity adds to the excitement as you never know which kind of bag
Kata BeachKata BeachKata Beach

Much better ! ! !
will attach itself untill you have to bend over to remove it. In addition, there is also some invisible creature in the water that will keep stinging you.

The biochemist will marvel at the layer of scum that is left on the shore and the economist will surely be filled with wonder at how things sold on the beach cost three times the price they do in the rest of Thailand. So as you can see there is something to keep everybody entertained . . . . . . .

None of this seems to stop anybody visiting Patong as it is teeming with people , and you can barely see the sand for sunloungers. Maybe we went on an off day.

Kata beach is much better, for starters you can actually see the bottom of the sea, and there is a small area you can go snorkelling where there are quite a few different kinds of fish, but no coral and of course plenty of litter. Its still scorching hot and the scenery on Phuket is pretty good still, maybe we are being a bit harsh and have been spoiled by all the beachs in OZ and the South Pacific.

Enough whinging , we have been now done that got the t-shirt etc. Lets go somewhere else.


24th March 2007

beach at patong looks pretty minging. How's Claire's ping pong ball training coming along, by the way? We've heard a rumour that you might be coming home a week early. I think from one of Claire's relatives. I think that you must have had enough by now and can't wait to get back to work and other humdrum activites like that. love dad

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