birthday celebrations

Published: March 11th 2007
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Well after the ferry ride across to ko phangan we then got a long boat taxi to haan yoa on the west coast of the island. The long boat was a bit more expensive but it was worth it to get a view of the island. Just from the look I knew I preferred ko phangan to ko samui. The beaches were perfect white with crystal clear waters and in many places coral reefs.

We had rang ahead to the ibiza beach hut resort to make sure qwe had reservations. When the long boat dropped us off he pointed to the top of the beach. We must have looked quite amusing and perhaps very bedraggled as people kept asking us if we were okay. We walked the length of the bech twice in the blistering heat with all our luggage. It nearly killed me. My hair was wet with sweat and it was like somebody was just teasing me by dangling a carrot in front of me with the gorgeous clear water right there. But after about 40 minutes we found our hut and to our shock the huts were only 100 baht each per night. This is 1 pound 40 pence. They don’t have air con just a fan and we have to share showers and toilets but they were all in really good condition so it was a bargain!

We all just stripped off and spent the day in the sea. I must have been in the sea for about 4 hours that day. I even watched the sunset in the sea. It was very peacful and a much needed rest after the full moon party as I was still getting over it. Haad yoa isn’t party central but there are a few laid back bars along the beach. So we treated ourselves to an expensive barbaque. Worked out to be about 5 pounds and just drank a few weird and wonderful cocktails.

My birthday! I was still up when it turned 12 o’clock watching films so I rang my mum. Then fell asleep. She then must have rang around everybody to tell them to call as I then received calls from numerous people. Thankyou everybody. My birthday was a laid back affair. I felt a bit strange and perhaps homesick and a bit a little bit lonley. But I guess that’s all part of traveling. The fact that I was 7 hours ahead of everybody else meant that the day was nearly over before anybody gave me a call. But once I had spoken to people back home I was okay and enjoyed the night.

Jane gave me a manicure and pedicure for my b’day and I had 2 cards of the girls and Elise and lene brought me an underwater disposable camera. Bless them!

We got ready and beautified and headed to hat rin. Party central. We had dinner and I was so happy when I saw bangers and mash on the menu! We then proceeded down to the beach where a lot of buckets were consumed and a good time was had by all. We met a lot of new people and finally got home around 6am.

I think my blogs are getting less and less amusing as I go along but I guess in a good way it shows that I am busier and don’t have as much free time to spend hours on the internet. I’m having a great time with the English girls and they have invited me carry on traveling with them. I have decided to go with them as I was planning to try and get upto Bangkok for the end of march incase James came out to see me. Unsure what is happening exactly but I think I need to get started on my diving course around April time so it should work out well. We are planning to go to ko Tao then to krabi, phi phi, phuket and then not sure, we haven’t planned that far in advance. But I am really enjoying time with them they are a great laugh. It’s just a pity Elise and lene don’t want to come. But they want to stay on the east coast a bit longer.

Anyway off to ko tao now so will update you soon. Make sure you check out both pages of photos. If you double click one photo you can see them all.

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12th March 2007

Hi Bec, really glad you are enjoying yourself and had a fab birthday!! Your travels really are going well and I am pleased for you. Let me know how the diving goes, I started the DM course last week, really good but hard, lots of exams. Anyway, I am thoroughly enjoying reading about your travels so keep them coming. Have fun, love Mand xx

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