My first unfortunate illness in Ecuador...

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February 26th 2007
Published: February 26th 2007
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So we have this amazing trip planned....straight after spanish school on friday, we get a coach to Otavalo, a market town about two hours away. Saturday is market day, but our reasons for going on friday night is the market starts very like 7am, and to avoid all the annoying american tourists you have to get in there early...So yus, we arrive at this hostel....called hostel maria..(everything is called maria here...the hostel, the supermercado, even my new teacher!) Very nice, very cheap, 2.50 for a night, en-suite too dont you know! (which came in very useful when i was throwing up later...) We were all very happy with ourselves, our first successful journey on our own out of quito with the crazy transport system, we had actualy managed to get to a hostel then we went out to eat at this nice restaurant...I had trout , it tasted fine to me...
After wondering back to our hostel, exhausted and preparing for the early morning, I started to feel a bit dodgy. but no matter, i just went to sleep. Which lasted about half an hour. It was then that my stomach decided it did not want its contents, and so I leapt around the room aiming for our bathroom (you'll be glad to know I managed to make it) and threw up into the toilet. Then back to bed. this cycle continued for most of the night and into the morning. You should know I dont have much experience of being sick..(as i was saying as we were leaving the restaurant.."my imune systems AMAZING! I'm NEVER sick, I dont even get ill that much...i havent had a sick day from work in three years!!) Tempting fate obviously.....And so the horrible feeling of throwing up was emphasised by a kind of panic like...oh my god whats happening?!...
Anyway, obviously, I missed the market that i was so excited about..damn it! And stayed in bed till 12 when they chucked us out...It kinda of made up for it when everyone came back and squashed into our room showing me all the beautiful things they'd bought...( lots of very pretty scarves and bags and jewellry) but also sophie and kat and bel got me this very cool necklace, to make up for missing it, they are very very lovely dont you think?!
We coached it home, (they put pretty woman on for entertainment!) and i once again collapsed into bed. sleep sleep sleep sleep.
If you were wondering, Im feeling SO much better now! X


26th February 2007

Awwww Soph you're immune system is amazing usually! You were never ill at school and then even if you had tonsilitus or flu you'd still try to work past that! Glad your feeling better now though darling and theres some nice people there to look after ya! Theres been alot of Meningitus going around uni at the moment which is scary... but i had me jab so shall be fine fine! Equador sounds great!!! Like a completely different world... sooo jealous! Bet theres alot of hard work involved though ey hope your coping well you always do! MISS YOU LOVE YOU ALI xxxx

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