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January 23rd 2007
Published: January 23rd 2007
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I can’t believe it’s only been a week since I’ve gotten here. I have done so much it feels like I’ve been here for months already. I think I finally know my way around these winding streets. For awhile there I was getting lost nearly every day. Put me on a street I’ve walked a million times and all I have to do is blink before I’m lost again. I’ve seen nearly every corner of this town that way though, and taken some awesome pictures. I want to upload all 300 some pictures I’ve taken since coming here but the internet available at the hotel uploads about 20 pictures an hour. Yikes. Therefore, you all only get to see what I can get up before the internet kicks me off. I’ve sent postcards out to a ton of people so let me know when you get yours! And if I don’t have your address let me know.
Random things I’ve learned:
• Black olives and green olives are the same thing…just in different states of ripeness.
• The Italians are still mad at the French for the Napoleonic invasions.
• It is a LAW here that one has to be quiet after 11:00 pm or get a 1,000 Euro fine.
• Policemen wear funny hats
• The first night at the restaurant we went to, there were cow brains and wild boar on the menu…
• There is no way to control the taste of olive oil, it all depends on the environmental conditions in which the olives were grown that year.
• Pasta means what we think of as pasta OR sweets
• Gratzie actually has an A sound at the very end. Grat-zee-ay
• A five course meal that takes 2 hours is completely normal. An everyday occurrence in fact.
• They are so used to 12th century frescos being plastered to every wall that they are comfortable enough to criticize or make fun of ones they don’t like. Meanwhile all I can do is stare with my mouth hanging open and hope I’m not drooling enough to get kicked out.
• Coffee here rocks my socks off.
• They know how to make non-greasy pizza and less fattening ice cream. Yay for gelato!
• People lie when they say Italians don’t wear jeans and tennis shoes.
• Italian shoes: (for Polly!) are extremely varied. From downright crazy to absolutely gorgeous. People wear crazy heels and people wear tennis shoes. I’m going to start a collection of fashion pictures to upload.

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I so wish Jake were here to enjoy this!

24th January 2007

Sounds Amazing!
I am so happy to hear about all of your exciting adventures. I am totally living through you lol! Sounds like you have learn alot! Keep educating us! Love you V-lsih! Maggs
24th January 2007

Hey, Gelato Girl!
I'll bet that gelato tastes better in Italy!!! Are you going to learn how to make it while you're there? Your pictures are fabulous - keep up the good work!!!
25th January 2007

Italian Shoes....
Hey Vanessa, Your mom told me I had to check you out. All chic and beautiful in front of the Italian backdrop. She's right! What an amazing experience you are having right now. So sorry about the "vomitus" experience of Rome. Here's my funny joke: You know the amazing thing about Italy is that even the bums and homeless people wear Italian shoes.
25th January 2007

Didn't finish my last comment
Anyway.....accidentally submitted before I meant to. You got the joke about the bums wearing Italian shoes? Ha Ha!!!!! I love the info about the olives and Olive oil. Keep writing....Your mom sure misses you! Love, Karen
26th January 2007

Very nice pictures V, and I love the factoids. We can't wait to come and visit. It looks so cool there.
26th January 2007

I decided there is no title
lakjdfal;ihgaljlajfad. That's me being jealous. That picture with the cheese and your comment made me laugh pretty hard. Jake would so poop his pants. So maybe it's a good thing he's not there. I'm pretty sure it would be unacceptable to the Italians to have him poop right there.

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