South West Australia

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January 16th 2007
Published: January 23rd 2007
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South West

South Western Australia is totally different to up the coast. Its fairly Mediterranean with vinyards everywhere and huge forests of exceptionally tall trees.

We spent a few days on a whistle stop tour of the southwest. Bunbury was our first stop, which is a city with everything you would need. Its fairly nice with the main attraction being dolphins a little like Monkey Mia, we gave it a miss having already seen them.

The hostel was good and we got a dorm to ourselves, drank more goon, ug!

Next on our stop was the fantastic Margaret River, with 50 wineries and 20 surf beaches within half an hour this is a good place for a holiday. The wineries are great you just turn up for free tastings at as many as you like. Met a guy from Barrow who works at one of the wineries.

Had a go at surfing too via a two hour lesson, blooming heck its hard work, even more so as it was a bit too choppy that day. Managed to stand up for three nanoseconds, but it was great fun shall definitely give it another go.

After two nights in Margaret River we hit Walpole home to some of the biggest trees in the world, the tingle and Karri trees, we went on the treetop walk in the Valley of the Giants which is a walkway 40 m up in the tree canopy, as far as big trees go it was allreet!!

The hostel in Walpole was spotless in no small part due to the owner who rules with an iron fist, we stayed up playing cards with her as she told us about all the people she has thrown out and why, which was a good laugh. It was nice to be in a place that was clean for once but there must be a happy medium.

Finally, we got to Albany, a nice largish town in the south of the south west, its much cooler here (temperature wise) and there are some nice beaches and the coastline is spectacular. Another ok hostel but sleeping in dorms is now starting to play havoc with our sleep, there is always one big gob or idiot that locks themselves out at 2am.

Thats it now back to Perth to take the car back, 4700 Km in two weeks, looking
Big TreeBig TreeBig Tree

Claire in giant tingle tree
forward to not driving anywhere for a while.

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On a rare occasion I actually stood up.
Tree Top WalkTree Top Walk
Tree Top Walk

High up in the forest

Wineries in Margaret River

23rd January 2007

John, very Hawaii -5-O! Where's Claire? As usual, fantastic Pics. dad
23rd January 2007

all that fantastic scenery and hobbits as well!!! thought they were only in new zealand.

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