Sunny Country, Sunny People, Cambodia

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January 18th 2007
Published: January 18th 2007
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Well i dont really know where to start as we have done sooooo much! It has been a VERY emotional time. I had already heard from Rachy about the orphans and also about the genocide. But nothing can compare you for the true reality of it.

We arrived in Phomn Penh and it was very hot and sticky! After a mix up with our passports (a long story) we felt tired. The next morning bright and early we set out on the Tut Tut which we had hired for the whole day! our driver was called Sam, a great way to get around! We saw the royal palace and Silver pagoda which were amazingly beautiful. Then we had a bumpy, dusty ride to the "killing fields" where the genocide had occured. Dont really know how to describe what we saw lets just say that combined with the Tuol Sleng Museum it was a very sobering experience. Later we were silent for ages and then downed a bottle of wine.

Our final visit for the day was the Russian Market, the perfect place to pick up Skinned frogs and fried insects! Yuck! The market had really narrow aisles with cloth etc stacked high. It was hot and humid but fun to walk around. Rich decided he wanted to barter for a jade teapot and bowl. The trick is to stay in the stall a long time!! Then eventually go to walk out and they come right down on the price!! Hence our heavy souvenir!!

Cambodia is a very friendly lovely place and the people are smiley! We have eaten many american pancakes and drunk many coconut shakes! We had pasta at the happy herb pizza and later realised the pizzas were topped with Marijuana!!! (no we didnt have any!)

We had been forwarned about the orphans in cambodia but i dont think anything can prepare you for this. they are everywhere and its soo difficult not to give each and everyone you see your entire wallet. the best thing to do is try and give them something tangible like food. they were very happy to polish off any food you do not.

The Second day, (today) It is even hotter and we have hats and sun cream! We started at the Wat Phnom which was lovely inside and for once we were able to take pictures inside and out! We walked down the steps to find loads of monkeys!! We fed them for ages they were really gentle and one climbed up my leg!! Later we went on our first elephant ride! around the pagoda. 'Sambo' the elephant was 45 years old! Well looked after, hosed down and fed after each trip. We found her to be a bit like being on a boat! swaying! Then we fed her bunched of bananas and she was happy!!


18th January 2007

Wow, some interesting Cambodian tales! I'm waiting for you to make me a coconut shake! Mum xxxxx
20th January 2007

Sounds like you are having a great time..i wish i was seeing what you were seeing..have fun x

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