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January 16th 2007
Published: January 16th 2007
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We may have internet, cell phones and cable t.v. but I feel like I am in the 1950's in the book "life is so good". specifically the part where the main character who is an African American is expected to eat his lunch on the porch of a white families home with the family dogs.

The discussions I have had with the privelaged white South Africans are very disturbing. Mind you I am still focusing on listening and try not to steer conversations in any direction. This morning I talked with a former policemen who now works for the cancer institute. I heard statements such as "the blacks sleep around and thats why they have AIDs" "i am a racist" "If I would have had more ammunition back then there would have been more blacks dead" "All they do is beat there children" "now they all walk around with a chip on their shoulder like they are better then us." "they form gangs in our schools" "The rest of the world has Apartheid but they do not call it that"

I have no idea what to do about the situation here. All I know is the first thing to do is to listen with an unbiased non-judgmental attitude. I look forward to having more discussions but hopefully in the future they will be with people that have darker complection. It is going to take some work to get out of this privelaged white world and interact with the majority of the people here.


17th January 2007

Hi there, As you move around the country you will no doubt find an extraordinary array of views and perspectives. As a born and bred white man living in Johannesburg I am surrounded by a cosmopolitan vibe and interact daily with people who have embraced and welcomed the changes that have occurred since 1994. There are, however, many white people who are insecure and afraid since they no longer wield any power. It is from these people that one hears the most extraordinary stereotypes and fictions. Not that I have anything against East London per se, but Johannesburg (despite its bad reputation) is where everything is happening - politically, artistically, socially. I'm completely addicted. When I'm here I feel positive, you can interact with people of all races...Yes, there's an unbelievable disparity bewteen rich and poor and crime can't be ignored but for a taste of true South African dynamism, Jo'burg should not be missed. I wish I could show you around - not to the malls and American replications - but a bit of bog standard, dirty, dangerous Jo'burg life.
17th January 2007

Interacting is easy
Just talk to anyone. They will talk back. (Unless they don't understand English) PS. Dont let every comment get your back up. Some, although they are racist, are true. Blacks have a different moral code to whites and do sleep around a lot more than most white South Africans. I know this is a racial generalization, and probably shouldn't be said, but it is true. PPS. I find the older a person is, the more racist they are. My hope is that the next generation will be better. My parents generation (70-80) is just terrible. PPPS. By not saying anything against the racist remarks, the people take it that you are agreeing with them, so don't keep silent too long.
21st January 2007

Just make sure you dont get killed when interacting with the majority... After all south africa has a violent crime rate bar none!

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