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January 14th 2007
Published: January 14th 2007
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

The path that led me here...

More than a journal on my behalf (which I also hope to keep), I love the idea of utilizing this service for friends and family who may be interested in periodically checking in on me, as well maintaining an occasional dialogue. The blog aspect is great because it gives visitors an opportunity to assume some ownership in the goings-on, and very likely fuels a desire to return to the site, if for no other reason than to see if their entry was responded to. Additionally, this way no one has to feel bad about deleting my e-mails prior to reading them, were they to be mass-produced, and instead, your own initiative is required to keep tabs on me. With that lengthy preface (who reading this that knows me isn´t surprised :-)), allow me to move on to the business at hand... My marathon travel day was draining, though accentuated with a number of blessings. From safety and speed of travel to the airport in Seattle on Thursday, to Phillip, the guy at the US Airways check-in counter who was incredibly gracious as I shuffled items from one suitcase to another to make weight, to James, a US Marine that I sat next to from Philidelphia to Madrid, who served as a final familiar face from home, as well as useful resource, and upon my arrival in Salamanca, to the scraggly looking character who I had thought to protect myself from, but who ended up being the one to direct me to a cafe up the street to locate the friends (used loosely as I had never me them) I sought. He curiously witnessed me ring the doorbell and try the door to their ministry, only to have no one respond. ¨Plan B,¨was yet to be determined, as they were my only contacts in the area. God´s hands have definitely been apparent in the details, and it has given me such peace to rest in that knowledge. I have now spent two evenings in a hostel. Mom and Dad, the glamour shots that I´ve posted are by and large for your benefit. Honestly, it was a better option than one of the others we visited (Jesse - the guy who I first connected with through the Christian ministry ¨En Vivo,¨showed me around my first night here, and helped me find a place to stay). Yesterday I met a dear lady, and her daughter who I know will prove to be great friends. Jesse told me of their family, which recently moved from Venezuela. They are Christians, and run a classy cyber cafe in the city. I have no doubt that it will be one of my homes away from home during my time here. Salamanca is very cosmopolitan. I have been centralized in the heart of the city, where there is much history, and much foot traffic. I have welcomed the opportunity to get out and about, taking advantage of fresh air (though tainted by all of the people who smoke here), and the ability to familiarize myself with the area. Stay tuned for more updates on the history and scenery of the city. I´m going to abbreviate this message for now, with the anticipation of an additional posting in the near future. For all of you who have been saying your prayers on my behalf, and for those of you who continue you to do so, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. God knows what they have meant to me thus far. If you leave a comment, I will be sure to respond, and do look forward to being in touch!

P.S. - As to prayer requests, I am still in need of a place to stay, and additionally will be seeking out a language program tomorrow. Above all, I want to be intent on honoring Matthew 6:33. Thanks so much!


20th January 2007

Your Madre
Hey this is new to me but it is nice to see the pictures and follow you around. THANKS I will try to be faithful to write in one place or another each day. Today it snowed all day so I took Zia for a walk to the post office and back - that was about two hours. We went out this morning for an hour and then this evening when I thought she was with you Dad she was actually visiting George and Janice and Bud the dog that used to live here. Thank goodness we have gracioius neighbors. Well I have bible study tomorrow on listening so I best get studying.. Love you and keep the info coming. Be safe.. Mom

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