Getting ready to leave...

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January 6th 2007
Published: January 6th 2007
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As it stands now, I will not be leaving for Rome on Tuesday as was planned. We were supposed to fly into Rome for a 3 day excursion before heading off to Siena for 3 weeks (and then to Florence for the rest of the semester). The San Fransisco consulate still hasn't finished processing my student visa. My dad half jokingly suggested we just drive there and get it to sidestep it being sent to the program headquarters in Connecticut before being mailed to me. Too bad that probably wont work...I've always wanted to go to San Fran. Plus it would distract me from the fact that Jake is going back to school tomorrow and I wont see him for 4 months! At the moment he is giving me pouty lip faces as we watch Man Vs. Wild on the discovery channel. This episode is teaching us how to survive in case we are pushed from a plane over the French Alps. Hahaha...I've heard some crazy stories from travelers but being pushed from a plane has never come up. But just in case, i shall now be adequately prepared. HA.

I am hoping though that I do not completely miss our trip in Rome. They better refund me some money which i can spend to go back to Rome by myself. I can't go to Italy and not go there! I'm trying not to let this whole mix up stress me out too much, but I hate not knowing exactly what's going on. Quite the introduction to travel. Early lesson in dealing with the unexpected I guess...

I will update with pictures as soon as I can get there!


7th January 2007

Hey Vlish! I am really sad that we never got to get together, but that just means we will have to when you get back, and hear all of your stories from being in Italy! I am so excited for you! Sorry about the stress I am sure Everyone goes through that during Studying Abroad! Keep us updated!! I want to see lots of pics and hear of all your adventures! Miss you friend!! Maggs

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