Manaós: Mother of God

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South America » Brazil » Amazonas » Manaus
January 3rd 2007
Published: February 25th 2007
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Rio de Janeiro


Fernando and I just got back from a week in the south, visiting Santos and Rio de Janeiro. Rio was so pretty and much more then I expected. We stayed in a room in Linda´s house a block away from Copacobana beach. Linda is a woman who used to live in Manaus. We got her phone number last minute, from a friend of a friend and ended up sleeping in her bed while she slept on the couch. We met up with some friends that were in Rio for Carneval, and had a lot of fun. We all went to visit the famous Cristo statue, looking over all of Rio. Also, took the air taxis up to Sugarloaf mountain. It was super hot in Rio! We visited the Botanical Garden......lush, green and so pretty. It was a good time....

Manaus was named after the indigenous tribe, Manaós, which once lived here long ago. In the local language, the word means Mother of God. I can see why......the natural beauty of this place would make anyone feel as if they were at the source, in the hands of a greater power.

Recently we visited some cachoeiras (waterfalls) with Valesca and Hugo.....
They were so peaceful and the water was ice cold! It was really refreshing and it felt so good to just soak and enjoy the chilliness. Also, went to a few shows to check out the Teatro Amazonas more in depth. Beautiful violins serenated us as we soaked it all in. We did a little tour.......The theater is one of the nicest, other then those in Buenos Aires, Milan and Paris. It is very fancy inside with marble and the works. The history of the Theater and this area of Amazonas is pretty interesting. Most of the decorations were brought from Italy, France and Portugal. There were a bunch of old paintings inside, depicting the romantacism of the Amazon during this era.

Wonderful Brasil....a beautiful country with so much to see.

P.S. For more photos, click 'next'.



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Photos: 54, Displayed: 23


pink flowerpink flower
pink flower

Santos, Sao Paulo
natural parknatural park
natural park

Waterfall park outside Presidente Figueredo

Our friend gave us some coconuts from his tree!!! yessssssss

Waterfall park outside Presidente Figueredo
cachoeira: waterfallcachoeira: waterfall
cachoeira: waterfall

outskirts of Presidente Figueiredo
Swimming aroundSwimming around
Swimming around

ice cold water
Amazonas, Brazil from spaceAmazonas, Brazil from space
Amazonas, Brazil from space

Photo and caption thanks to: Earth Sciences and Image Analysis, NASA-Johnson Space Center. 8 May 2003. "Earth from Space - Image Information."
tree flowertree flower
tree flower

this flower smelled sooo good, like bubblegum mixed with fruit
Amazon artAmazon art
Amazon art

painted on a garden gate

cuidado: careful!

mural on the ceiling of one of the rooms of the Teatro Amazonas, beautiful art from 1896.
wall paintingwall painting
wall painting

banks of the Amazon, reflection

25th February 2007

omg, its all so beautiful, thankyou for providing these wonderful photographs. miss you! laters!

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