Happy New Year

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January 2nd 2007
Published: January 2nd 2007
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Hapy New Year to you all. I hope you all had lots of fun. My new year was the best thing I have ever experienced. You have all seen the photos of South Bank, well on NYE this turned into a massive outdoor party with 100,000 people wandering the streets with differnet types of parties going on all over. People were having picnics on the grass and the beach and there was street dancing - then us sat in the bar :-)

When it turned 12 we were all lined along the river bank and there were three barges on the river from where they set off loads of great fireworks. I have to say I cried - it was so good - but I have a sudden attack of home sickness - I wanted everyone to be there with me to see it - it was unbelievable that so many people were there to see the new year in together. The countdown was so loud. Made me realise I am defo NOT coming home :-)

So apart from NY we havent done much else since I last wrote. I enrol at Uni on Thurs tho so that should
Kozy SunbathingKozy SunbathingKozy Sunbathing

Just so everyone is clear I AM A princess - I do nave complete control. Mum can sit on the floor - I will have the sun lounger and towel!
make life a little more interesting!

Oh and yes - further wildlife stories. I headed into the city last sat and came across a huge snake on the pavement - I nearly screamed until I realised the thing was dead - i could have sworn it moved towards me! And then yesterday me and charlotte were chilling in the garden and Kozy suddenly jumped a mile in the air out of the plants in ther garden and started going mad. I grabbed the dogs and hid inside again - until I could see what it was - at first i thought it was a killer snake - then potentially a baby croc (which i quickly realised was just me being silly) then discovered it was a huge lizard of some sort. I had to go see my next door nieghbours to find out if it was a killer or if i could pick it up to get it out of the garden. They told me not to pick it up - well that was enough for me. So I barracaded myself in the house again until it looked like it was near a hole in the fench at which
The New GangThe New GangThe New Gang

These guys are really cool.
point i chased it away - i know I am sooooo brave :-). Anyway photos attached.

Phone should be on at home soon - i hope


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3rd January 2007

spiders and snake
i now know you are trying to put us off coming out there and doing a good job of it too with all those creatures you showing us love the specs happy new year xxx

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