Felice Navidad y Año Nuevo!

Published: January 2nd 2007
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Happy Holidays!

Greetings from the sun, the sand and the surf! We are having a very different holiday experience than the one we are both used to back at home!

So we finally met up with our good buddy Erik in a little surf town on the southern tip of the Nicoya Pennisula called Mal Pais/Santa Theresa (basically a gravel strip with shops all along it spread between two municipalities). We have been living it up as surf bums for almost the last three weeks. Life is pretty simple down here; eat, sleep and surf, which has caused the two of us absolutely no problems getting used to. We have met a bunch of excellent people while we have been here (Dave, Matt, Pedro, Laura, Shawna, CJ, Sophie, Gord, Andrew) and have enjoyed hanging out with everyone.

We had a good Christmas including a full Christmas feast and throughly celebrated the New Year in style on the beach. But we have to admit is just wasn´t the same without all our friends and loved ones and a white blanket covering everything!

So once again I will turn the mic over to our assortment of photos and let them do the talking. I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday and are as excited as we are about the new year!

Life at the moment is pretty laid back, with the biggest worry of my day being how big the surf is going to be when I get out there as soon as I´m done writing this up...overhead with a slight offshore breeze I hope...hehe.

Hasta Luego Amigos!

Additional photos below
Photos: 19, Displayed: 19


Our friends...Our friends...
Our friends...

Shawna(Nanaimo), Laura(Monteral) and Super Dave(LA)
Surfer BenSurfer Ben
Surfer Ben

Look at this surfing stud...
Sunset surfSunset surf
Sunset surf

Ben ripping it...
Over head!!Over head!!
Over head!!

Ben drops into the biggest wave of his career and Nastassia manages to get it on film!
Bens life....Bens life....
Bens life....

Another day another wave.
Christmas DinnerChristmas Dinner
Christmas Dinner

Thanks to our two professional chefs Matt and Pedro, we had ourselves a proper Christmas feast (minus all the people we miss back home of course)!
Dinner up closeDinner up close
Dinner up close

mmm mmm mmm...
Big TreeBig Tree
Big Tree

On a quading adventure we found a huge tree.
Ben found some mudBen found some mud
Ben found some mud

We were all covered head to toe by the time we arrived home.

2nd January 2007

Happy Holidays
Hey dudes, Just wanted to say Happy New Year! and super after the fact Merry Christmas. I love reading all your journal entries and am filled with jealously as the weather here has been egregiously bad the last couple of months. Today in Van there's 100mm of rain expected! So enjoy the sun, look forward to reading the next one! Have fun and take care, ash.
3rd January 2007

Merry Christmas to U both!!!! And Happy New Years!!!!@! We've had more snow here in Cumberland than they've had in Years..... I haven't seen snow since X-mas but I'll try and send some your way..... Love U both!!! Love Titia
3rd January 2007

Happy New Year Ben and Nas
Hi you 2, Wow! I can't believe the photos you 2 have. Ben, I love the one of you in the surf and Nas, how amazing that you were able to catch him! Wish I was there with you! Continue to "give 'er" as your dad would say Ben. Lots of love, Auntie Moe
6th January 2007

Happy New Years, and a belated Merry Christmas! I am glad to see that you two are doing well and having a great time! Looking good on the board Ben! Nice shots Nas, but when do we get to see you on the board? Things here in the Horse are going well. Corey and I partyed hard at the Fozards house for New Years, and are now packing our bags for our departure on the 8th. Van, to Tokyo then on to Denpesar, Bali. We are gettin a page up here in the next day so I will send you the link. Keep on riding hard and posting the amazing pics! P.S - Say hi to Erik for me, I missed him in the Horse
13th January 2007

hey guys, have finally caught up on your adventures! lovin the photos, miss you guys tho....hope this next year is filled with many more adventures for you....love ya, j
13th January 2007

tamarindo blows!!
hey guys were in tamagringo and it sucks!!, were leaving 2 morrah to jaco then 2 dominical finally i bought a proper board its a 7/2 fun shape, cause you know fun is fun. the swells here are non existent but they say (and probably only to keep tourista spirits high) that that will all change with the new moon on mon or tues but fuck this place!! it is so windy here right now and its blowin down the coast. were gonna hold off on witches rock 4 now. i see myself back in santa teresa pretty soon . stay gold- pedro
14th January 2007

Hey guys! I just got back from a little holiday here in Aus. I was up the Gold Coast and had an amazing time. I loved coming back and having an update on your adventures!!! Hmmm... maybe my next trip will be that way:) Glad to hear you guys are enjoying yourselves, and I know what you mean about missing home at Christmas! Miss ya both, can't wait for the next entry. xoxo Chris
15th January 2007

im headed to your old stomping grounds
Hey Congrats you two! Sounds like an amazing trip so far and your pictures are super sweet! Anyways I'm finally headed to Whistler, Don't know if you'll see this before then but was going to ask what are some must see spots/rides if you do see this before the 26th of Jan drop me a line: lambdenbrett@hotmail.com Anyways taker easy you two! Cheers Brett
18th January 2007

I hate You
Ok, I just got back home and its freezing in so.cal. i have to work all day and their are no waves. Bummer for sure. I hope all is well where ever you guys are . Take care, Dave. Oh yeah im not so sure about the super dave title.
20th January 2007

Official Title of ¨Dave¨
Heresay, from now on we will only refer to Dave as ¨Dave minus the Super¨ and never again as Super Dave.... Shaka Brah Will soak up some rays for yah...
22nd January 2007

heard you´re headed south...
Ben y Nas; what´s shakin? Rob and I have been a week in Quito, Ecuador now and we´re heading to Baños tomorrow. We´ll be in Peru by the end of the week. Caught the Ecaudor v. Sweden national friendly this afternoon and it was packed with amped fans. Heard you guys are planning to hit up Machu Piccu. We´re planning to do the same in about three weeks or so. Let us know your schedule. Keep on keepin on. Bergs

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