Samui schmooy!

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December 22nd 2006
Published: December 22nd 2006
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My little jeepMy little jeepMy little jeep

I called it Cyril
Ok the Lonely planet describes Samui as a pretty girl wearing too much make up, what it fails to add is not only is she over made up but she is also wearing a low cut top and a short skirt, high heels and fishnet stockings with a glimpse of suspender thrown in for good measure. Oh yeah and her top says come and get it here!!

What i'm trying to say is that indeed Samui is a beautiful island with some fantastic beaches, but step 6 feet from the beach and you are met with the ugliest, tackiest, over done place you could ever wish to go.

I hired the jeep yesterday and set off expecting great things but have to say i was a little disappointed. It was, as i expected it to be overcast but it wasn't that that took the shine off. The streets backing onto the beaches are not the palm fringed esplanades i expected, lined with expensive shops and exclusive restaurants. Instead what i got was narrow little streets chocka block with nasty little eateries and tacky souvenir shops, built so high you could hardly see the sky. You couldn't even see the
My lunchtime viewMy lunchtime viewMy lunchtime view

Ok so its pretty nice!
beach as every inch of sea front had been built on, blocking your view as you wandered through.

Off the beaten track a little, i did find some gems and i have to say i thoroughly enjoyed my day. It felt great to be driving again, i loved my little jeep and it was liberating to be one of the few women driving on the roads. When i picked up the car the only thing she asked me was if i've ever driven alone!! No licence check, no check that i knew the controls, just if i've driven alone. I mentioned that i had once or twice and this seemed to please her, so off i set, phew glad i passed that stringent test.

So that was my day except for the trip to the dentist, oh did i not mention that? I stopped to get some lunch and found it a bit painful to eat on the left side. No worries though cos i've been nursing an ache on that side for quite a few months now. Didn't think anymore of it and then about 4pm started to get a bit peckish so stopped for a snack,
Sunset over Big Buddah beachSunset over Big Buddah beachSunset over Big Buddah beach

The bells, the bells...
only to find that i actually managed to swallow half of my tooth too. A short drive along the high street here in Mae nam and i found a dentist who could see me straight away, mended my tooth and only charged me 17 pounds!! If that tooth had gone at home, i'd still be waiting this time next year to pay a few hundred quid for the same thing. How lucky am i?

So that's my ramblings for today over, bit disjointed i know but that's the way it goes. I'm having one more lazy day here and then getting the speed boat tomorrow to start my Christmas festivities with the crowd, can't wait. Although the seas are pretty rough so i just hope the boat can get across, otherwise it'll be a very quiet christmas. This resort is full of couples and famillies, haven't seen another lone traveller since i got here. Take care all and enjoy the seasons best. X

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Its me, caught red handed, eating chocolate biscuits and having a bad eye brow day!

22nd December 2006

Funny you should say that, both Wendy and I have bought Harveys Bristol Cream and had a little tipple as our xmas memory of you.Love the eye brows , wish I had the assets though??
24th December 2006

Happy Christmas. Thinking of you always. Be good and KEEP SAFE. Miss you to death. MAM 2 xxxx
29th December 2006

No blog.
Long time no read, whats happened girl lost your typing fingure, or have you better things to do. Anyway love you and miss you.
31st December 2006

Have a happy new year enjoy the night. Be thinking of you. Keep safe. Love you to bits and miss you. Roll on Feb 2007. Bollocks to roaming around. Mam 2 xx
5th January 2007

Who is this person?
I don't know who you are, stop telling me to come home!!!! Anyway dear, you won't like it when i do get home cos i'll have you running up and down that seafront in the pouring rain till you beg for mercy! Then you'll be Beglady ... By the way Happy New Year. X
11th January 2007

Now where the bloody hell are you. See what I mean no contact. Now WHATS going on. Knew it was to good to be true all this writing then nothing. Last entry December or have I missed something or have you stopped your writing. GET IN TOUCH STRAIGHT AWAY and stop this nonsense. Mam 2 xx
25th January 2007

At least when we are running up and down the seafront of our exclusive town I will know where you are. Pray tell me you hav'nt thought of any other madness of wandering in wildernesses where no bugger knows you. How about Bognor or Weston Super Mare they sound exotic and at least you can speak there language. SEE YOU SOON MUCKER xx
17th February 2007

Wats up??
Long time!! Wat happened. Got lost or did u find that infamous 'Beach for tourists who do not like tourist spots'!! Write some!!

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