Thai Massages

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December 21st 2006
Published: December 21st 2006
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Not much to say about thai massages.. just look at the pictures!

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Thai MassageThai Massage
Thai Massage

painful, yet nice
Thai MassageThai Massage
Thai Massage

whatcha doin?!

21st December 2006

Looks more like torture!! Oow. Be Safe Love Mum
24th December 2006

Emu-ly!!! My little Bangkok chicken! You look like you're having a great time in Thailand, girl! How about that tattoo (or "tattouche" as they call them in Paris) Be careful -they are addictive. Ask Darrell. Ashley's first lttle tattoo was ironically the Thai symbol for "To dream". It was a poor job, by a bad biker tattoo artist in lower Lonsdale. She eventually had it covered with a tiger's head inside a lily or some sort of flower by someone else a few years later. Enjoy your stay, it'll be over before you know it. I hear you're coming back a little earlier. This blog is great idea. Keep posting! Love and Merry Christmas from Peter, Darrell, Ashley and myself.
3rd January 2007

Hey Emily, Just wanted to let you know how jealous I am of this trip you're on! I can't wait for you to come back and tell us all about it! You have to come back to C-Wood for a little while - I need to hear all your stories! Love Alex

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