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June 16th 2005
Published: June 16th 2005
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Well, I was just about to extol the virtues of the much nicer internet café we found, but the proprietor announced he's closing momentarily so I've got to run.

It's not like I believe any of you people are reading anyway. Where are my comments?! 😉

Full Praha update later....


16th June 2005

I'm reading
Really, I am. Anyway, here's a comment. I'm a lurker; sue me. :P
16th June 2005

Post cards : )
Hi Daughter! Wish I could understand German! You will have to interp. your messages when you get home. House okay, mail in, grass finally cut - was very tall in back last week. Lovely roses! Today (Thurs) sprinkling off and on. Ideas - 1/2 a day to Prague Castle & Hradeany, Toy Museum 2nd largest/world. Lobkowicz Palace - gems, Belvedre Summer Palace - Ferdinads wife Anna. etc.Sounds like you are having fun! Hugs
17th June 2005

What comments?
Of course I've been reading, I just never realized that we could leave comments. Hey, when I was over in Romania I noticed something odd. If you went into a used book store they would have piles of old magazines and newspapers from before communisim. And from after communism. But trying to find an old magazine or paper or poster from back in the soviet era was impossible. In Romania I doubt that they all got picked over by collectors, instead I get the feeling they destoyed it all out of a desire to break with the past. Only in one little old ladies apartment did I see a yellowed TV guide with Ceaucescu on the cover... So, can you still find pinko-commie memorabilia? Any newpapers from the 50s and 60s? Or old glossy magazines extolling the latest tractors? Just cusious to see if the same phenomenon happened in Germany as in Romania
17th June 2005

Of course I'm reading!
Cheryl-- I've enjoyed your daily briefings of your trip. Didn't want to waste your expensive internet time posting comments. :) Gute Reise!
27th June 2005

I'm reading too, albeit a tad late :)

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