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December 15th 2006
Published: December 15th 2006
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Halong BayHalong BayHalong Bay

Outstanding views
Sorry about the title i couldn't resist it! corny, i know but still ...

So another successful early start and off i went to Halong Bay. Wasn't too optimistic after i boarded the bus to see that i was the only English person and the group, on appearances looked a bit dull and boring. Noone spoke on the bus and we travelled in comparitive silence. Once we boarded the boat we seemed to relax a little and over lunch we started chatting.

There were a few irish and Aussies a couple of Dutch some Eastern Europeans and a couple of Yanks. But we all got on pretty well and joined sides against the people on the boat who were just trying to fleece you the whole time. When you got a drink you had to mark it down against your name, a few of us found marks next to our names for drinks we didn't have. I also found out halfway into the trip that i would have to share with someone else unless i paid an extra $5. It wasn't the issue of having to share but that i wasn't told when i booked. Then the tour guide
Some more of the sameSome more of the sameSome more of the same

worth seeing twice i think
was pretty rude and started to raise his voice to me, yes i can all hear you, big mistake buddy! At this point i pulled myself to my full height and was easily 6inches taller than him as well as about twice the girth and told him in no uncertain terms that he should not raise his voice at me as i won't tolerate it from anyone let alone him and he should think carefully about his attitude towards paying customers! When i think about it now i cringe but i just came over all Princess, it happens sometimes. He then backed down totally and offered me his bed for the night! A few of the lads thought he'd fallen for my charms and must have a thing about bolshy women. Needless to say i didn't take him up on his offer and slept with an Aussie instead. Female i hasten to add.

Then while we were out Kayaking around the bay one girl had $200 stolen from her bag which had been locked in a safety box-yeah real safe! It turned out, surprise surprise it was one of the deck hands. The police were called and statements taken-this

Yeah i got up in time for once!
consisted of the police writing people's first names and nationality on a peice of paper, Hercule Poirot eat your heart out. Added to the more furtive robbery was the absolute brazen robbery of the prices for drinks on the boat. A bottle of the local wine in Hanoi will cost you about $1.50 on the boat it was $10. So after everything that had happened we all boycotted the bar and just sat on top the deck and star gazed.

This morning we cruised back to the bay and got a bus back to Halong. Our guide shook my hand warmly as i left. He didn't do it to anyone else either so i think he must have spat on his hand when i wasn't looking and thought i'll get the b*tch back! At least i hope it was only spit ...

So here i am killing time till i board the night train to Sapa. I'm in a cabin with 4 other people. I just hope they are clean, nice human beings that don't smoke otherwise i'm in for a pretty rough night. I arrive back in Hanoi at 6am Monday morning and then fly out at
The morning lightThe morning lightThe morning light

The glow from the boat operators purse!
10am so will try to write something if i get chance then, otherwise it'll be from Bangkok monday evening. Take care and enjoy the Christmas preparations, i'm actually missing it. XX


18th December 2006

Cheesy operator innit?
Wats the name of the tour operator?? My friend had a similar experience too.
18th December 2006

Tour operator
The name was Sinh Travel, name rather appealed to me for some reason!!

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