Canoeing on Lake Runn

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June 11th 2018
Published: June 11th 2018
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We have arrived at Lake Runn and have decided its time to get Jeffrey in the canoe. It is a beautiful evening so we pump up the inflatable and get ourselves ready. I decide to pass Jeffrey over to Phil then I get in and we set off. Jeffrey is not keen, for one he doesn’t like to get wet and there is water all around him. He sits behind me but I can hear Phil telling him to sit or get down or you can’t go there and stop licking my face. It’s not wholly relaxing! But then he settles down and the water is like a mill pool, the sun is shining and it’s a beautiful day. Along comes a fast boat and Jeffrey is up not so sure about the wash that is rocking our boat. We make it across to an island and land disembarking not completely elegantly it has to be said and Jeffrey manages just to get his paws a tad wet. We have a swim while Jeff barks at us from shore, eat lunch, read, then head back. Unfortunately it just starts to shower so we need to get back quickly, Jeffrey is still on look out but we are feeling more relaxed that he won’t fall into the water and have to be rescued. I wonder if he could swim if he had to!

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11th June 2018

Jeffrey swimming?
I challenge you to get Jeffrey swimming before the end of your trip!

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