Last day at the resort

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March 31st 2018
Published: April 1st 2018
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Life preserver MommyLife preserver MommyLife preserver Mommy

Who can hold onto Mommy tighter?
It is coming down to our last full day at the resort and we had nothing planned for the day. The kids actually slept in so we had an easy breakfast and Steve and the kids headed down to the beach for a while. The water was really cold and Rosie was not in the mood for it. She had been very much into her Mama for most of the trip, and didn’t get happy until Tory joined at the beach. Her favorite part of the morning was playing at the beach showers. Nathan would push the button to spray for her and run in circles splashing in the puddles, as Rosie shrieked with delight. Nathan and Steve spent a long time in the pool while Rosie napped, as Nathan has become in love with the pool. He played a game going around the pool twice pretending to be a garbage truck picking up trash cans that were the depth signs on the pool walls.

Back at the room Nathan played cards with Grammy Sue (he learned go fish, old maid, and crazy eights) and had some lunch as Rosie took a very long nap. Rosie woke up and we decided it would be fun to all goto the Westin Nanea resort like yesterday so we walked and drive the van over there. The kids had a blast as they played at the splash pad, shot water guns, slide down a slide, and floated in the pool for hours. Tory, Sue, and Nathan left for some Hawaiian Shaved Ice as Steve and Rosie went back to the room.

Dinner was a combination of all of our leftovers and last of the Dino nuggets, turkey burgers, blueberries, and salad. We started some packing and got mostly ready for a nice Easter morning tomorrow with one last pool swim, an egg hunt, brunch, then off to the airport.

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10th April 2018

Maui blog
Steve, I so enjoyed reading your blog. Please print out a hard copy for Nathan and Rosie to read when they get older. What a wonderful vacation geared to enjoyment with little people. Thank you for taking grandma Sue. She really enjoyed being with your family. Blessings to all of you. Carol

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