The Road to Imphal

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November 12th 2015
Published: November 10th 2017
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Geo: 24.4975, 93.7779

We decided that we would like to see the living root bridges and they were just down the road a bit, so off we went. Parked then walked down the path of 50 million steps.. well at least 600
steps. Ant it was great, fantastic to see and climb on although a little springy. Then the 50 millions steps back up to the car. My butt looks great now.

Back into the car and off towards Shilong to then head out East towards Imphal for an easy 400km drive….. 3 days later we arrived in Imphal. I thought we had already driven some really crap road until we started on National Highway 44 and 37. I guess the area was in conflict for a long time so the roads suffered… or should I say the pot holes just got deeper the bridges are lacking structural integrity and dust, so thick I needed to put the wipers on to wipe the dust off the windscreen. This coupled with a constant presence of men in Camo with machine guns and you get the picture…

The day was spent driving through alpine covered mountains.. mostly… there were no tree left in some areas. At the end of the day we found a great place to camp on a hill amongst the trees
and it was grand.
Day 2 was much the same as day 1 with ever degrading roads and the appearance of jungle. We did get to see the plains of Bangladesh from the mountains and it looked wet, flat and nice.
Day 3 saw us arrive at the camp site just after dark, it had taken 3 days of driving 10hrs a day to travel 491 kms.

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12th November 2015

Looks a bit like home!
12th November 2015

Camping in the burbs!

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