Gus's Bed

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November 2nd 2006
Published: November 5th 2006
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I am unsure if I have discussed Gus very much throughout the blog, but I will take a minute to talk about him now. Gus is our dog, he’s a Tibetan Mastiff, and has more personality than many people we know. He is just one of the greatest animals we have come across in our lives and adds so much to our lives.
When Rachel and her mother first arrived, my mother in law wanted Gus to stay in her room for a feeling of security. Well Gus is not shy and if you call him into your room, you need to expect him to make himself comfortable. So he jumped up onto the bed and that’s where he slept the week she was here.
Now Gus has free range of most of our house and the porch and our yard, there is of course a fence that keeps him away from the hotel, but he still has more room than he ever enjoyed in New Jersey.Often times he wanders around the house making sure that the contractors or the gardener are working. He plays with them if they have a minute, and has won all of their hearts.
The problem with all of this freedom is that it makes him hard to keep track of. Before leaving the house or opening the front gate, we like to make sure we know where he is. It has become more and more common to find him on the bed in the guest room. Now that my mother in law is gone, he has no one to contend with, and he is making that room his own, and now he even has his very-own king size dog bed.


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8th November 2006

Thanks for your concern
I appreciate your comment, but we do not live in the house that will be the bed and breakfast. We have a private residence with our own fence and Gus spends his days sleeping on our bed's, not the hotel's. In addition, he does not bark nor does he jump. Thank you for your concern, and I hope this aleviates some of your concern.
9th November 2006

Thank you for your response, much appreciated. Sounds like you have given this some thought.

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