Our Day Trip to Agra

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October 16th 2017
Published: October 16th 2017
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Sometimes words or even photos cannot convey the sense of being there. And being at the Taj Mahal is one of those times. The sheer scale of this monument is amazing, let along its beauty and the story behind why it was built. Then you go to the Agra Red Fort and are overawed again.

I never thought, 23 years ago, that I would come back here. Some things have changed, only electric powered vehicles (or horse) are allowed in the vicinity of the Taj Mahal, you get silly little bags to wear over your shoes rather than taking them off and they are most of the way through a cleaning programme. But the Taj Mahal and the buildings around it still pull the crowds - big crowds.

It is nearly Diwala and everyone is heading home to celebrate, a bit like Christmas really. The train stations were fantastically busy - lots of photos ops! No riding on the top of trains now that they have gone electric though.

Breakfast on the train was a treat, cornflakes with hot milk, bread, dhal, juice, cake and tea. Lunch was pretty good too - more entrees than we could eat followed by buffet main and dessert. No fear of losing weight this holiday!

Of course there was the marble factory and the carpet factory, both supported by Liz and then there was the embroidery place which was my undoing. The work was just stunning, so fine and inlayed with semi precious jewels. I had to buy something to bring home to show 'the girls' because they wouldn't let us take photos.....

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16th October 2017

good read
great to see you're having a terrific time..as if there'd be any doubt!!

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