San Jerónimo

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South America » Peru
September 29th 2006
Published: October 1st 2006
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Maria and I took a local bus to the district of San Jeronimo, 12km south of Cusco for La Fiesta de San Jeronimo. Bumped into a fellow medical student on the way and he showed us round. Also had my first taste of Inca Cola - the iron bru of the Andes. Other firsts of the day included seeing a man pull a wheelbarrow of skinned bulls heads up a hill (horns and eyes intact), and a surgical ward full of patients despite the fact that the floor was being dug up and there were two abandoned wheelbarrows full of soil sitting in the middle.

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Bumped into the final year medical student I´ve been working with this week, completely by accident on the bus to San Jerónimo, so he came to the fiesta with us.
scary manscary man
scary man

This was taken just before the man and his donkey came right over to Maria and me in order to try and persuade us to become part of the procession. He was sadly unsuccessful in his quest.

1st October 2006

That's the scariest festival ever! Hope you hugged a llama. xx

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