A Special Town

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July 15th 2005
Published: July 22nd 2005
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Friday, July 15

Early this morning, we went with William´s parents, brother, sister and her kids to have breakfast in Chiclayo before heading to Mocupe. Amanda was thrilled when she read there were pancakes on the menu! Of course, they were a little different, and filled with manjar (caramel made from condensed milk) but she LOVED them so much she had 2!!

Jesus, my brother in law Gobert, Amanda, tia Elena, Pablito, and Anthony at breakfast.


Mocupe is the small agricultural town my father in law is from- it is where the ESQUENs are from and a town we should be proud of and want to know more about. My father in law´s mother´s family was of the last name Rios, and they are also from this same town. While there, we ALWAYS visit my father in law´s mother´s grave. Her name was also Elena Rios and she died at the young age of 25. At that time, my father in law was 10. It´s a tragic story since at that time my father in law had to stop going to school, and had to go to work to help support his younger brothers and sisters. Often he had to take donkeys to and from town to their farm, taking large loads on scary and dark paths.

Mama Elena´s story goes like this: She always had said that if any of her children died, they could go ahead and bury her, because she could not continue to live if any child of her children died. This is a strong thing to say in a time and place where nearly half of all children did not live to adulthood because of poor living conditions and illnesses. As legend has it, her oldest daughter, Brunilda, contracted a stomach ailment and died in December 1950. The poor mother suffered so much from a broken heart, she was unable to continue living and passed away in December 1951, leaving behing a nursing one year old baby. Mama Elena´s spirit came and took that baby boy with her to heaven only one month later. Hence, Mama Elena´s love, beauty, and grace are legendary, and her remaining children (Olinda, Consorsia, Lorenzo, Julio, and Irma) were scattered among family members and raised here and there. My father in law almost worships his mother and when William and I met, he said I was chosen by Mama Elena´s spirit to be the wife since my name is also Elena. Tough role to fill, but my father in law has always treated with extraordinary love and respect, and I too must have a special place in my heart for a woman who struggled and suffered so much, yet was able to have a wonderful son like my father in law.

Mama Elena´s grave. May she rest in peace and know that she is loved and honored here on Earth.

Here is William with Alex and Jesus who ran around the cemetary like it was a park! I am sure Mama Elena enjoyed seeing them!

In this picture, you can see how completely filthy my child is! The look on his face is because we made him stop playing long enough to take his photo. He is wearing the soccer uniform William donated for the local high schoool.

After going to the cemetary, we went to William´s uncles house (I think his name is Chino), where we ate ceviche while the ladies (not ME!) killed and cooked a duck for lunch. While there, William´s cousin came over. His name is Manfredy and he is the soccer coach and PE teacher for the local high school. He brought with him the director of his school, and 2 other teachers. Of course, you know I HAD to talk about school with them! They invited us to a soccer game and I went with my kids, and William. I don´t have the photos up yet, but we had a BLAST at that soccer game! We were like celebrities and I think Anthony gave out his email address to about 30 eager girls! He loved it! During half time, we took pictures of the team, and by the time we left, the team was winninf 5-1! I had cheered so much I was hoarse, and our side was louder even though the opposing team had more fans!

By the time we got to the hotel, we were exhausted! We grabbed our suitcases, and boarded a bus to Trujillo. Thankfully, everyone, except for Pablito, slept all the way. I thought Pablito might have a tummy ache, but of course everyone (including my husband!!!!) said that someone had given him the çeveil eye.´ I did not argue as I knew I would not win....promptly when we got home, he was prayed over, and someone passed an egg over him to ward off evil spirits......funny thing is, it worked. Not that I believe in that kind of thing, you know.


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