Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu

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South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu
April 20th 2005
Published: November 26th 2005
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View from Huayna PicchuView from Huayna PicchuView from Huayna Picchu

Me on Huayna Picchu with Machu Picchu in the background.
Up early to catch the train from Ollantaytambo to Machu Picchu Pueblo, or Aguas Calientes.

Got to Aguas Calientes about 1030am, seemed the most touristy place so far in Peru. But what do you expect. Although there is a lot more to see, Machu Pichu is obviously one of the main reasons people come to Peru.

Had the option of spending the rest of the day hanging around Aguas Calientes or going to Machu Pichu and hiking up Huayna Picchu, which is the hill you see in the background of the classic pictures of Machu Pichu. No choice really. The climb is quite steep, but not too difficult if you are fit and not afraid of heights, needless to say I am not fit and it was a bit of a struggle. The view from the top is worth it. To be honest I did not stand on the summit, as this would have involved clambering over some other hikers taking a bit of a rest. I did not trust myself to trip over them and fall ...

Please Note: Some of the photos on this page were taken by Robert Pearson, my room mate from the tour

Feet dangling over edge of a terrace with Machu Picchu below.
group in Peru. Please visit his website. http://400.ca/bighead/ Heaps of photos, and a blog from someone who spent nearly a year travelling around the world.

Want to see more photos?

Have a look at my website here: http://www.firemanonasailingship.com/photos/

Additional photos below
Photos: 4, Displayed: 4


Other Tour Members on Walk up Huayna PicchuOther Tour Members on Walk up Huayna Picchu
Other Tour Members on Walk up Huayna Picchu

Photo courtesy of Robert Pearson. (My room mate on the tour of Peru. Please check out his website here: http://www.400.ca/bighead/)
Group of us on Climb up Huayna PicchuGroup of us on Climb up Huayna Picchu
Group of us on Climb up Huayna Picchu

Photo courtesy of Robert Pearson. (My room mate on the tour of Peru. Please check out his website here: http://www.400.ca/bighead/)

25th April 2005

One Day I will stand there!
Paolo this is so great! Love reading about all the interesting things you are doing and seeing. LOVED Machu Pichu shots.....so amazing. I truely hope to go there one day. Thanks for the pisco explanation. Such a different world over there. Immerse yourself and enjoy becuase we all know too well what life is like back here everyday. Looking forward to your next travels xo - Desert Rose

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