Rain rain go away - come back another day!

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South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu
April 10th 2007
Saved: December 4th 2008
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Arriving in Cuzco I decided to take a holiday from a holiday and do nothing for a week. It was great. I was also trying to gear myself up for the 4 day Inca Trail. After a few Pisco Sours for courage the day before, I set off on Good Friday to hike the Inca Trail. Supposedly at the end of rainy season. They lied! As you will see from my photos ponchos where the key to staying warm and dry. Hence, Machu Picchu looks like a lot of skittles escaped from the factory.

I was actually pretty worried about the Inca Trail before I went, didn´t know if my fitness would be up to scratch. As it turned out it´s not half as bad as I expected. It´s actually pretty ok. Its a killer on the auld knees on the way down though. Who would have thought that going down would be as hard as going up??

The trek is quite interesting on Day 3 and you pass a range of different Inca Ruins that you can explore on the way to the camp. For the 3rd night camping there was the biggest thunder and lightening storm I´ve ever been in. Crazy stuff. Even the rain rain go away song didn´t work!

The 4th day and the final 2 hour track to Machu Picchu was a relief! Unfortunately no sun shots of the ruins for me the day we were there. But such is life. A good place to explore though.

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