One Dayata time

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South America » Ecuador
October 18th 2008
Published: October 18th 2008
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Wow,Im here.
After spending the whole day yesterday on the verge of a panic attack, I really found peace on the plane. And I came to my first realization : I´m going to have to become my own best friend for 3 months. Basic fact for most people, interesting concept for me. But it´s working, I´m talking to myself all the time. And me and my new best friend have established the guidelines of our new relationship.

So, I have realized how unprepared I am for this trip. But I am the queen of no preparation. So, Im on the plane wondering when we are finally going to get there because I have no idea about the time difference. Once at the airport I hauled my 70 pounds of gear through immigration, a complete joke by the way. All they do is enter your name in the computer and welcome you. Some dude was there to pick me up. We start driving around and the city looks very scary in the dark. And, I´m exhausted. He´s driving like a psycho, red lights mean very little here. We finally get to my host family and the area LOOKS very scary. Some 18 yr old opens the door (very cute) and I´m like what the fuck. They don´t speak english at all and I have no idea what´s going on. They seem nice though. But this difficult communication is killing me. I met a volunteer from CT this morning. So, I made her translate a few things for me. Then, I took off. I shut the door and was on the street. No idea where. Took me 30 minutes to get a cab, it must be my technique cause I saw at least 50 of them. I told the guy to take me anywhere where I could find tourists.
Got dropped off and I remembered someone telling me : when you freak out, look for something familiar. So I sat on a patio next to a blonde girl and ordered a corona. I feel MUCH better. The good thing about looking like a stupid ass lost tourist is that all the cops are asking me if I need help.
I already got my heart broken 10 times seeing the kids on the street. But that´s why I´m here to make a difference at least for some of them and apparently, there is work to do.
I just stopped by an internet cafe to post this and then back to my random walking around.
All in all it´s all good, I just feel a little lost at the moment but will get over it quickly. I´m starting spanish lessons on Monday, much needed!

Hasta luego!


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