The Jungle

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South America » Ecuador
October 14th 2006
Published: December 4th 2006
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Here we begin our tour with the overland company Dragoman.

The group has an assortment of professions and ages. We have a denist, doctor, social worker, teachers and engineers , ranging from 19 to those in their 60´s. Its fabulous.

Our first stop is the jungle of La Punta. We are staying in a ´hotel´that has fly screens instead of windows and monkeys that greet us every morning with a scary screech.

Here we have trekked through part of the Amazon Jungle, learnt how to make handicrafts and dodge the poisonous spiders and other creepy crawlies. We have also had breakfast with monkeys, watch a Sharman (good witch doctor) perform a ritual to get rid of bad spirits, learnt how to blow darts , jumped on tyres and swam down the Amazon river with snakes slithering by and ofcourse seen the most gorgeous sunsets. Its been exhausting, challenging and an amazing experience.

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The Dragoman Tour Group. The Dragoman Tour Group.
The Dragoman Tour Group.

We were lucky enough to have a doctor, a dentist, a social worker, teachers, engineers and a journalist in the group, so we were ready for any situation.
One of our monkey friendsOne of our monkey friends
One of our monkey friends

Check out the sharp teeth

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