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South America » Ecuador » North » Quito
May 24th 2006
Published: May 29th 2006
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Well arrived in Quito on the eve of the 7 May 2006 @ 12:00 midnight me bags and surfboard in tow... Luis and freinds waitimg at airport to pick me up from a sea of Spanish which was starting blow my mind by now.. went back to Luis´s appartment in the south of Quito which is the poor part of the city... Dark so could not make out much exept that the roads are like riduing in small boat on a choppy sea.. arrived at the appartment and proceded to get very drunk, lots of beer and Tesquila got to bed at 5 in the morning.. I had not slept since I left Madrid, which meant no shut eye for over 24hours by the end of the little drink session with two spanish speaking people and one that speaks both spanish and English, as you can imagine it was very tiring...

Next day woke upreally late as you can imagine very tired from the trip.. In the day light noticed the poverty.. people earn on average $200:00 a month.. things are cheap but rent for a house is $90:00 to $120:00 per month.. US$ that is that is what the

Quito2.. Statue of Maria
currency is here..

Really got to know what the it is like to travel around on the busses.. (We think london is bad squashing people into the public transport well it is bad here and it is 30degrees C)

One afternoon went to the north which is a little more wealthy and were the tourists hang out... anyway it started raining when we were in a pub having a Cerveza(beer) and after about 20 mins the streets were about 6 inches in water and it got worse it was like every street was a small river.. It was pretty wild.

Spent a week in Quito going out meeting all Luis´s freinds got very drunk one night... lots of fun..

next leg trip to the coast....

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Quito2.. Main Sq

30th May 2006

Nicely Done Bro!!!
Good to hear you are hitting the Tesquila bro!!! Keep up the good work!
30th May 2006

you mallet
sounds like an AMAZING experience - wish i could come hang out with you a bit. no wonder your body gives up on you chopper - you HAVE to take care tony polony!! love you STACKS! xxx

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