Ready, Set, Vamos!

Published: July 16th 2007
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Hello all. Today we're leaving Lindsay's host family house and heading out for our travels. It's been very lovely meeting Lindsay's Chilean Family. They are very nice. It was a little tight for the 2 of us staying in her room though. I'm so glad Lindsay got to stay in such an artistic town. Everything here is gorgeous. We went to an outdoor museum yesterday with her mom and sister. Just amazing! Makes me want to scrap and do some crafts. So we're off to Santiago. Being here has brought back so many fond memories of our European Adventure last summer. I love to travel with my sis! Adios! -Keira

Lindsay here, well I'm about to leave my family that I have been living with for the past five months. I don't think it has hit me yet because I know I will see them again in a month when I come and get the rest of my bags (I now have three instead of the two I came down with). But the other day when we went to the museum I was trying to take in all of Valparaiso as I could. And I was happy to see that my last night here, there was the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen, if not in my life, then surely in Chile. This experience has been one that will be with me forever, there have too many adventures. My friend and I were talking about how people study abroad in other countries and say that it was great and a lot of fun, but when you study abroad in Chile, you say that you survived, which explains everything. Surviving the micros, the dogs, the Spanish, the sunsets, the late night adventures, the everything. Well we are off to start more adventures, more memories. Talk to you all later!
Love Lindsay


17th July 2007

hell ya
i am so happy and jelous of you 2! have a blast then we need to scrap!

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