First Week in South America - Stop #1 CHILE!!!!

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South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago
October 10th 2012
Published: October 10th 2012
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I flew out from Vancouver, BC on October 3rd, 2012 to begin one of the most amazing adventures I have embarked on in a long time. The last couple of months in Vancouver included a sunny hot summer with friends playing beach volleyball, studying for school and working at a yoga studio! The summer months flew by and we packed full of great times! However, the countdown for a unbelievable trip began where I packed up my life in Canada and made my way to the international airport to begin a nine month backpacking trip!!!

I flew into Santiago, Chile where I was greeting by Laura and Erin!! We spent the day walking around and exploring the city. That night we were met by Sarah and Cody as well! That night I was introduced to PIsco Sours and the Santiago night life! The next couple of days included adventuring around Santiago, embracing the nightlife and meeting fellow travellers.

On October October 7th we took the bus down to Valparaiso and spent the next couple days walking the graffiti filled streets and enjoying delicious empanadas. October 9th we went to Vina Del mar and relaxed on the beach, enjoying the ocean and hot weather!

So far the trip has been an unbelievable experience, next we are heading to Mendoza, Argentina - let the adventures begin!


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