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South America » Chile » Santiago Region » Santiago
April 4th 2006
Published: April 9th 2006
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We mucked around on tuesday as the time flew by, in fact it flew by so much we missed our 5pm bus. We caught the next one to Santiago at 5.30pm, after 2 hours we arrived. It was great to be escorted by Silvana through the bustling crowds to our first metro experience of the trip. The metro is the underground train, a fantastic service to speed through the city of 5 million people.

At Silvana´s appartment we meet her flat mates, and they made us pancakes with Manjar. We then went out to sample the Santiago nightlife at an upper class disco tech.

The next day slightly hung over we found our own way through the metro system to San Cristobal hill. This hill has a cable car to the top where there is another Statue of The Virgin Mary. Also a beautiful view in peace, that was until the school boys turned up and ran around catching pigeons.

We found our way to Jean and Mike´s place where we had a lovely meal and rest. On thursday we found our way round the toursit spots of Santiago, La Moneda, La Plaza de Armas, the pre columbian art museum and el Cerro Santa Lucia. We called in on Lorena and had a quick catch up, and she dropped us home to Jean and Mike´s for another lovely meal.

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11th April 2006

great to see photos
Hi guys Its great to see all the new photos.

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