Travel Blog #4

Brazil's flag
South America » Brazil
November 21st 2013
Published: November 21st 2013
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What types of music is popular in Brazil today?

Brazil's music is very unique to their own styles. Brazil has a variety of music; it all varies from pop music from the United States like Katy Perry and Justin Bieber to Brazil's own traditional music. Some types of music in Brazil are; Samba, which is more like a dance style music that is very popular in their culture and had originally came from Africa; Bossa Nova, which is slower than samba but has more of a jazz type of sound; Música Popular Brasileira, whis is like pop music in the United States; Frevo, which is the type of music that dancers and acrobats dance to; Funk Carioca, which is funk music; Sertanejo, which is Brazilian country music; and Forro, is a traditional type of music that sounds like a mix between polka and country-styled music. All these types of music play an important role in Brazil's culture, they are all the types of music that everyone this the country is familiar with and knows. They all go from traditional music that dates back to 100 years ago to music of the 21st century.

Brzil is known for its bright colors and festive music that everyone can dance to. This is the most popular type of music because the music just has its own beat and for some magical reason, can make anyone is a happy mood. Brazil also likes the types of music that the United States listens to. They do follow our pop culture; nevertheless, they do have their own styles. They all play an important role no matter what because they are a part of culture. They do have music that is similar to every other country like the traditional because a majority of the music in South America are taken from one place and made its own.


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