B2 Travel Blog 3

Brazil's flag
South America » Brazil
October 10th 2013
Published: October 10th 2013
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In world as a whole some places are not diverse as we think. For example in Mexico or Spain there is more of a specific race. This happens a lot in schools, mainly colleges, have the most non-diverse place. This affecting the rest of the world,which may cause conflict. One place that I am going to specifically talk about is Brazil. In Brazil the diversity is equally divide; however, one problem that is happening is that the Indigenous culture is starting to fade out slowly. Even though the culture may be slowly going away it is still a problem because the people are not happy with it.

This is how the diversity in Brazil is and how one culture fading away affect many surroundings. Also this is how the culture is fading away and we cannot let any culture fade away because we do not know what that culture can do for us. It is good to be diverse because it can help the country but there are also fall backs on having diverse places. Something that is bad about having diverse places is that there is not a dominant culture or language. This can lack communication and education in that specific culture.


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