The Falls

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October 23rd 2007
Published: October 23rd 2007
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Iguaçu FallsIguaçu FallsIguaçu Falls

Over 200 different waterfalls make up the Iguacu Falls; with water falling 240 feet you can almost feel the power of it.
Tues 23rd Oct:
We had a bad thunderstorm here in Foz do Igauaçu on Sunday morning. It was a good excuse to stay in, rest and catch up with domestics - also a chance to get rid of the chill I caught. In the afternoon it cleared up enough to go out, so I got a bus to the Brazilian side of the Falls - quite spectacular. Unfortunately I fogot my camera so had no photos of that side. Met lots of people at the hostel, all at various stages of their journeys .. all with stories to tell.
On Monday, was feeling much better and decided to cross the border and see the falls from the Argentinian side. Not so much a long journey but a lot of changes of buses and stops at border points. I met a French chap (Steven) on route and we did the trails round the falls together - with so many tourists there it´s easier when there are two of you to keep an eny on each others belongings (lots of petty theft at crowded tourist points). The trails were fantastic as they gave great views of the falls from different angles and abounded
Humidity, Spray and Mist.Humidity, Spray and Mist.Humidity, Spray and Mist.

The power of the falling water threw up a lot of spray which lingered in the air and soaked you when anyway close to the falls.
with wildlife - I saw more species of butterfly (brilliant colours) than I had ever seen, also many coaties (racoons) and iguanas. It was hot and humid - the misty spray from the falls and the climbing did not help. I booked a ride in a speedboat at the bus station before I got to the falls but did not realise that it actually went under the falls - it was like being in a power shower X 10. The fall of the water was refreshing and invigorating - fortunately I had put my clothes in a waterproof bag before the trip. Betwen all the walking, climbing and the speedboat trip, I was exhausted by the time I got back on the bus to re-cross the border. I was also starving as I didn´t have a chance to eat since a spartan breakfast at the hostel. Picked up some food and a bottle of wine on way back and cooked a nice strogonoff to finish off a great day. Played some chess with a couple of Dutch lads before bed.
Planning to leave Foz today and say goodbye to Brazil. I will catch the coach to Asuncion (Paraguay) and explore
The Falls Amid a Lush Green BackgroundThe Falls Amid a Lush Green BackgroundThe Falls Amid a Lush Green Background

The habitat was ideal for all sorts of insects, birds, butterflies and animals.
there for a few days. The coach trip takes about six hours so if I get the afternoon one I should be there this evening.

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8



One of the many species of colourful birdlife around the falls.
 Coatie (racoon) Coatie (racoon)
Coatie (racoon)

Many of these were tame and came looking for food from tourists. While waiting for the small train back from the trail one quietly came up behind and nudged me, giving me a fright!
A Rainbow of ButterfliesA Rainbow of Butterflies
A Rainbow of Butterflies

Swarms of bright yellow butterflies were everywhere (they have a v short lifespan); there were many others some almost as big as humming birds with huge violet wings.
On the Way to a SoakingOn the Way to a Soaking
On the Way to a Soaking

From inside the speedboat going towards the falls. We went right under the falls.
The Expanse of the FallsThe Expanse of the Falls
The Expanse of the Falls

Although not the highest falls in the world they are the largest - bigger than Niagara.

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