Iguazu Falls - waterfalls, rainbows and butterflies

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South America » Brazil » Paraná » Foz do Iguaçu
March 7th 2007
Published: March 8th 2007
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Iguazu Falls are on the border of Argentina and Brazil, so we started on the Argentinian side having heard they were by far the better set out with the better views. They are a tiny part of a much bigger jungle reserve but probably the most famous attraction here.

There are 275 falls over a 2.5km frontage with the most spectacular being the Devils Throat. We caught the train there first thing in the morning and were able to walk along the walkways pretty much right up to it. We got a right soaking from the spray, but got to see the swifts flying around the falls which was cool as there must´ve been hundreds of them.

The only thing we can say about them is they're absolutely beautiful. The set out of the Argentinian side is really well done and the walkways are above ground to reduce the impact of the huge flow of tourists. There were also hundreds of butterflies, vividly colourful and not afraid to land in your hair or hitch a ride back to town on your watch! We did also see a yellow car on an inflatable dingy floating downstream....I hope that was reported to the lost and found department and all appropriate forms filled in...

Foz do Iguazu on the Brazilian side is massive compared to Puerto Iguazu. While it lacks the variety of walkways and the set out, it does offer maybe the better views of the falls. We also got to see some spiders rivalling those from Mexico - we were wondering where they had all got to and quickly made our escape.

We'll let the piccies do the talking - I think we're getting a bit lazy with the blog writing...we're off to Rio on Friday for Keiths birthday weekend, before flying out to New Zealand no doubt with a bit of a hangover on Monday....

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


Us getting drenched!Us getting drenched!
Us getting drenched!

Though it was a nice relief from the baking heat!
Waterfalls in the mist...Waterfalls in the mist...
Waterfalls in the mist...

no gorillas in sight

8th March 2007

You guys! This is simply gorgeous! I'd be lazy with blog writing if I had the option of looking at sights like these! Wow!

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