ayahuasca in brazil

Published: November 17th 2009
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Do you know what is ayahuasca?
To explain it's necessary to creat a entire new language that could use spiritual, mystical, transcendental, incredible caracteres.
I can give to you a 2 general view about what is it.

Basic overview information:
That is a tea made from a vine from amazon that can take you to a unbelievable trip to a place inside yourself. The experience is unforgetable and consist, usually, in 4 diferents steps:
1 - Deep meantal and spiritual cleaning
2 - Enlargement of the sense
3 - Contact with your high self, what helps to deal with old problems that is hidded inside but afect the way how do you live your life
4 - Conection with a superior, infinitive power

Biochemistry general overview
That main chemical ayahuasca componente is the DMT. This substance is also produced by the human body and is the responsable for extreme experiences. Some doctors assume that is responsable for the white light that people see before to die or when you are close to it.
Ayahuasca is designed as a enteogene psycoactive. It means that this substance conduct the person to "contact the Godness inside yourself".
That is also described as a happiness wash in the brain, what can cause a serie of physical healing.

Please, for more information, have a look in WWW.KNOWTHYSELF.COM.BR


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