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South America » Argentina » Santa Fe
January 25th 2006
Published: April 8th 2006
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... and I´m back in Santa Fe!

Starting from where I left off, my day of adventure in Mendoza We went rafting in the morning, followed by horseriding in the afternoon. The rafting was FANTASTIC, and after talking to the guide who is off to Peru next, I´m thinking of doing a longer rafting trip later in my travels - Peru or Nepal for eg. Horseriding was lovely and relaxed, with a small girl guiding us all! Very pretty scenery too. Then we went to drink mate (traditional Argentinian tea) by the river - of course I had a swim!

Next, off to an artesianal beer factory. The owner had saved a Czec man´s life in the nearby Mts, and in return, the man invited him to Czecoslovakia, where the owner learnt the art of beer making and came back to Argentina to set up his own factory... YUM! A good stout and a great chat with another Aussie (they´re rare here!) later, and we headed back.

The next day we began our trip back to Santa Fe (where Martin lives), camping at Merlo (near San Luis) the first night and Icho Cruz (near Cordoba) the second night. Both campsites were next to lovely rivers where we swam, drank mate, went rock-hopping and relaxed! Everyone was doing it! In fact, in summer, the whole country seems to go and drink mate and hang out by the river. We even saw a viper eating a frog!

On our way to the second campsite, it started pouring with rain once we crossed the Camino de las Altas Cumbres (High Mt Range). The 'collectivo' or bus shelters were teaming with people leaving the beach, and the roads were covered in water pouring down the non-exsistant gutters. We had to turn around as the traffic wasn´t moving and all accommodation seemed full. Apparently hail stones the size of apples had fallen in some parts, breaking car windows and all!

The last night we headed into the main street of Villa Carlos Paz around midnight. There was a concert in the street (even small kids watching half-naked show girls!), and people people people!!! Arcades, cinemas, brightly lit shops... We went for dinner around 1am, and were hassled all evening by children coming to our table with small trinkets for sale.

On our way back 'home', after passing through Cordoba, the second largest town in Argentina, we passed huge piles of rubbish and the 'outer town' shanties with all the poor people who cannot afford to live in the center... makes you think.

We arrived around 1am, and Martin´s dad took him to the hospital - his forearm has swollen up, they think it is a bite. Today the nurse has just been to remove some of the liquid... mmmm... :-P So we may stay in Santa Fe a few more days than expected.. or I may head up north alone.


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